The UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health is proud to offer continuing professional development activities through a partnership with North Carolina Area Health Education Centers (NC AHEC). NC AHEC provides educational programs and services that bridge academic institutions and communities to improve the health of the people of North Carolina with a focus on underserved populations. NC AHEC staff can access Gillings School opportunities through the North Carolina Institute for Public Health (NCIPH).

Continuing Professional Development

The partnership between UNC Gillings and NC AHEC offers a variety of courses across disciplines that AHEC planners can offer in their communities. Look through our catalog and see if there’s a course you would like to request for your AHEC!

Support for North Carolina Communities

Improving public health, promoting individual well-being and eliminating health inequities through the practice of public health is central to the Gillings School’s mission. Working together, the Gillings School and NC AHEC provide training, continuing education and technical assistance to sustain the public health workforce in North Carolina. NCIPH draws on the deep expertise within the School to deliver quality programming in a broad variety of public health fields.

Changing public health landscapes and diverse community needs require tailored support. This partnership has allowed the Gillings School to respond to emerging needs through additional workforce development opportunities that advance the NC AHEC mission, for example, supporting MPH Practicum placements in rural communities, conducting statewide training needs assessments or investing in development of key training programs.  For questions about continuing professional development opportunities or technical assistance, contact NCIPH Training Associate Shelley Hoekstra at

Gillings School Community Members

Here at UNC Gillings, we are dedicated to bridging the research-to-practice gap. If you are interested in incorporating partnerships with AHECs into your work at the School, contact NCIPH Training Associate Shelley Hoekstra at

The North Carolina Area Health Education Centers Program was established in 1972 to meet the state’s health and health workforce needs. The program is administered through the UNC-Chapel Hill School of Medicine with nine regional centers and linkages throughout the state. Learn more about the NC AHEC program.


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221 Rosenau Hall, CB #8165
Chapel Hill, NC 27599-8165