Standards for the Appointments, Promotions and Tenure (APT) process at UNC-Chapel Hill are governed by the Trustee Policies and Regulations Governing Academic Tenure at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, in addition to the School’s Appointments, Promotion and Tenure Manual (linked below).

The (see 2024-25 meeting schedule.) to review appointment, reappointment or promotion actions that meet the criteria necessitating an assessment, as outlined in the APT Manual. Members of the APT Committee represent various academic disciplines within the School and are appointed by the dean for three-year terms.

Appointments, Promotions and Tenure Resources

Departmental Guidelines

Promotions by Year

Select to see the list of faculty promoted in 2022.

Select to see the list of faculty promoted in 2021.

Select to see the list of faculty promoted in 2020.

Select to see the list of faculty promoted in 2019.

Select to see the list of faculty promoted in 2018.

Select to see the list of faculty promoted in 2017.

Select to see the list of faculty promoted in 2016.

Select to see the list of faculty promoted in 2015.

Select to see the list of faculty promoted in 2014.

Select to see the list of faculty promoted in 2013.

Senior Associate Dean for Academic and Student Affairs: Laura Linnan, ScD
Assistant: Yasemin Garber | (919) 843-8099

135 Dauer Drive
307 Rosenau Hall, CB #7440
Chapel Hill, NC 27599-7440
(919) 843-8044