Undergraduates: Forms are processed in Student Affairs (263 Rosenau Hall).

Graduate Students: Forms are processed by the student’s Academic Coordinator.

Unsure of which form to use? View our form key (PDF).

Gillings School of Global Public Health Forms and Policies

MPH and MSPH Students: Fulfilling the Core Public Health Requirements (PDF)

Course Exemptions and Substitutes

Approved Core Course Substitutes (PDF)

Applying for a Core Course Exemption

Students may apply for exemption from SPHG 600, SPHG 711, and/or SPHG 712. Students must demonstrate in the application that they have achieved the learning objectives and competencies covered in the required core course through other coursework completed in the past five years. Examples may include coursework completed at another university, through a different degree program, or not on the list of approved substitutes. In rare circumstances, coursework completed more than five years ago may be considered in combination with demonstration of competencies through professional work experience.

It is important to note that an exemption does not reduce the number of credit hours required for your degree. Rather, receiving an exemption generally provides a student with more flexibility to take electives. Students may explore the possibility of transferring in credits to their degree by talking with their Academic Coordinator. More information regarding transferring course credit is available in the Graduate School Handbook.

Core Course Exemption Forms (Download and save to your computer before filling out)

Exemption Forms:
SPHG 600 FLO Information Page – Start Here
SPHG 711 (PDF)
SPHG 712 (PDF)
BIOS 600 (PDF)
EPID 600 (PDF)

Core Course Syllabi:
SPHG 600 (PDF)
SPHG 711 (PDF)
SPHG 712 (PDF)

Declaring a Second Degree/Minor

Course-Related Forms and Procedures

UNC-Chapel Hill Policies and Information

Schedules and Calendars

Graduate School Information

Course Registration

State Information

General Academic Information

Contact: Student Affairs

Contact: Career Services

135 Dauer Drive
263 Rosenau Hall, CB #7400
Chapel Hill, NC 27599-7400
(919) 966-2499

Student Events

February 18
11:00 am
1:00 pm
[Not just another] Annual Student Survey Pizza Event
February 26
11:00 am
1:00 pm
Pop-up Health Snack Break
March 24
12:00 pm
1:15 pm
Gillings Career Services: Intro to Strengths
April 9
5:00 pm
6:30 pm
Gillings Career Services: Career Resilience Panel