
Gillings School Student Government Association
The Gillings School of Global Public Health’s Student Government Association (Gillings SGA) disseminates information, supports student-initiated projects, and represents the concerns of public health students to the faculty, staff and university community. Gillings SGA is actively involved in community projects and its members serve on a variety of advisory boards and committees at the School and University.

Global Groups

The Gillings International Graduate Student Association (IGSA) will promote the well-being of international students by providing support, cultural diversity, awareness, and community among its members. We aim to do the following improve the experience of international students by providing support and guidance, create awareness of the needs and struggles of international students and identify opportunities for professional and academic development for international students.

Student Global Health Committee
Creates awareness of and finds solutions for health issues that affect populations around the world by creating opportunities for education, advocacy and service.

Middle East Refugee Aid (MERA)
The purposes of this organization is to encourage communication dealing with basic healthcare needs to international refugees; to provide education for the public with regards to the urgency of lessening the healthcare disparity observed across the world, with a large emphasis on refugees; to promote awareness in the community about healthcare needs to international refugees, and to increase medical and dental hygiene literacy in countries with high refugee populations in efforts of contributing to public health efforts aimed to assist disadvantaged populations.
Learn More about MERA

Diversity and Inclusion

LGBTQ+ Health Disparities Research Collaborative
LGBTQ+ Health Disparities Research Collaborative is an interdisciplinary group that brings together students and faculty to promote research, disseminate practices to other UNC research groups on SOGIE data collection and reporting and host social and educational events for our members.

Minority Student Caucus (MSC)
Advocates for issues of concern to students of color in the School and promotes research and programs aimed at addressing public health issues that particularly affect people of color. Open to students of color and anyone else interested in supporting the MSC mission.

Discipline-Specific Groups

Biostatistics Student Association (BSA)
Offers volunteer, social and educational activities for biostatistics undergrads and graduate students.

Environmental Sciences and Engineering Student Organization (ENVRSO)
ENVRSO is responsible for representing students at faculty meetings, providing outreach opportunities and trying to help make the department a home for students. We host a variety of fun, ongoing events and other volunteer opportunities.

Epidemiology Student Organization (ESO)
Offers academic support, social support and community involvement. Open to all Epidemiology students.

HPM Master’s Student Council
Provides students with opportunities to get involved with other students, faculty, professionals and members of the UNC-Chapel Hill community through service, social activities, professional development and more.

Public Health Leadership Student Association (PHLSA)
Our organization seeks to provide social, academic and community service opportunities for students in the Public Health Leadership Program and other individuals within the University interested in multidisciplinary leadership in public health.

Health Care Related Organizations

Carolina Bebes—Birth & Breastfeeding Evidence-Based Education and Support
Evidence-based advocacy, training and community education opportunities to support breastfeeding on campus, locally, nationally and globally.

Healthcare Executives Student Association
UNC-CH HESA is an organization that provides diverse opportunities for personal, professional and leadership development to prepare students for success in the healthcare industry. HESA offers opportunities to network with leaders in the healthcare field.

International Society for Pharmacoepidemiology
The International Society for Pharmacoepidemiology provides an environment where students, academic faculty members, researchers, healthcare practitioners, and decision-makers interested in pharmacoepidemiology can share knowledge.

Interprofessional Education Student Interest Group
The purpose of the Interprofessional Education Student Interest Group is to provide information and opportunities for Interprofessional Education (IPE) to public health students.

Student Health Action Coalition (SHAC)
Provides free health services to local underserved individuals and communities; partners with communities to develop and implement sustainable programs.

Women in Healthcare Leadership
The Womxn in Healthcare Leadership student organization was created in order to address issues femme-identifying health leaders face in today’s society and to foster strong connections amongst health-minded Tarheels to the Women in Healthcare Leadership orgainzation.

Honorary Societies

Gillings School undergraduate and graduate students may be recognized for their efforts and accomplishments by a variety of honorary societies. To nominate a student who you think deserves recognition, see the information below.

Delta Omega – Theta Chapter
Delta Omega is the national honorary society for graduate studies in public health. Students and faculty are eligible for nomination.

The Frank Porter Graham Honor Society
Recognizes outstanding service provided to the University and community by graduate and professional students enrolled at UNC-Chapel Hill. Further, it recognizes the contributions of faculty, staff and friends of UNC who have made significant contributions to the development of graduate and professional education at the University.

The Order of the Golden Fleece
Recognizes individuals – students, faculty, staff members and alumni – of demonstrably high character and who have made some specific long-lasting, innovative and extraordinary contribution to the University community.

The Order of the Grail-Valkyries
Recognizes students of outstanding character who have made significant contributions to our university’s academic climate through excellence in scholarship, dynamic leadership and innovative service.

The Order of the Old Well
Recognizes students of high character who demonstrated exemplary and generous humanitarian service and who have served in a capacity such that their service contributions have not been previously recognized.


Culinary Medicine
Focuses on the idea that food is medicine, and what you eat can help you lead a healthy lifestyle and prevent disease. The field also focuses on intentionally utilizing food to promote health through mitigating disease. We want to share these principles of Culinary Medicine with anyone who wants to feel empowered to live a healthier lifestyle, specifically focusing on low-income, underserved communities in the Triangle, people with chronic nutrition-related diseases, and college students.

Nutrition Coalition
Nutrition Coalition’s mission is to provide opportunities for undergraduate and graduate student members to build relationships, share ideas, and perform community service in the campus and community that focus on issues related to food, food access, and promoting healthy lifestyles.

UNC Student Groups

Explore other opportunities for engagement with any of UNC’s 600+ campus-wide student organizations.

Contact: Student Affairs

Contact: Career Services

135 Dauer Drive
263 Rosenau Hall, CB #7400
Chapel Hill, NC 27599-7400
(919) 966-2499