Events and Announcements

Stay up-to-date by visiting the Gillings School’s Event Calendar.

Reserve a Room

Visit the Rooms and Spaces page to view a listing of rooms or to make a reservation.

Get Involved!

Getting involved at the School is easy. We have more than 20 active student organizations focused upon global issues, diversity initiatives, community advocacy and healthy lifestyles. Our student organizations sponsor a number of entertaining and informative events. Current students receive a weekly e-newsletter from our office that informs them of numerous opportunities at School and around campus.

Career Services

Our students have access to a wide array of career and job-search resources through the Gillings School and UNC’s Career Services.

UNC Campus-wide Events and Announcements

Stay informed about UNC campus-wide events and announcements.

Contact: Student Affairs

Contact: Career Services

135 Dauer Drive
263 Rosenau Hall, CB #7400
Chapel Hill, NC 27599-7400
(919) 966-2499

Student Events

February 14
1:00 pm
3:00 pm
Gillings Career Services: Resume Quick Chats
February 18
11:00 am
1:00 pm
[Not just another] Annual Student Survey Pizza Event
February 26
11:00 am
1:00 pm
Pop-up Health Snack Break
March 24
12:00 pm
1:15 pm
Gillings Career Services: Intro to Strengths