Chapel Hill, and the greater Triangle area, is consistently ranked as one of the best places to live and work. Our town is bike-friendly, walkable, eclectic, safe, affordable, diverse and green. Our students love the temperate weather and the easy access to activities in the Triangle, on the coast and in the mountains.

Learn more about On Campus Student Life/Housing and  Off Campus Student Life on the campus websites dedicated to assisting students in becoming responsible tenants of Chapel Hill, NC.

It's a breeze to get around.

Get on your bike and go anywhere. Fourteen miles of greenways take you to campus, libraries, coffee shops, Franklin Street, the Dean Dome, grocery stores and 350 acres of parks.
The University’s Tar Heel Bike program is an option for students who wish to reserve a bicycle. Daily and Lifestyle (yearly) memberships are available and bikes can be returned to any hub on campus.
Ride the bus anywhere — it’s free! One will deliver you near your Chapel Hill or Carrboro home or even to other locations around town and campus.

It's a land of opportunity.

The famed Research Triangle Park (RTP) is 10 miles away with more than 170 research and development organizations, research institutes and companies. Gillings School faculty members and alumni can connect you to a world of work and research opportunities across the Triangle.

Chapel Hill offers a variety of food.

Renowned restaurants, bistros, cafes and food trucks are right around the corner from campus. Looking for traditional Southern food, ethnic food, eclectic cuisines or down-home cooking? It’s all here.

Entertainment and Culture

Spend a casual evening sipping a latte on an outdoor patio, listening to live music, wandering through eclectic shopping districts or screaming and bouncing in a crowd of people as you cheer on your favorite team. Get involved in intramural sports or join a service group. If you are inspired by history, science or art, visit one of the area's museums. Study local flora and botanicals at the North Carolina Botanical Garden or treat yourself to a concert at Memorial Hall. Whatever your preference, UNC and the Triangle area offer plenty of social, entertainment and cultural opportunities to keep you busy, happy, and constantly making new discoveries.

Across North Carolina

Culture of Health Map

Our interactive map features local and regional recreation locations to help you live a healthy lifestyle. Select the icon in the top left corner of the map to open the map legend or view in Google Maps.

Ready for a visit?

Our Visit Us page provides information about campus tours, parking and accommodations. Fill out a Prospective Student Inquiry Form if you are interested in hearing more from your degree program(s) of interest.

Contact: Student Affairs

Contact: Career Services

135 Dauer Drive
263 Rosenau Hall, CB #7400
Chapel Hill, NC 27599-7400
(919) 966-2499

Student Events

February 14
1:00 pm
3:00 pm
Gillings Career Services: Resume Quick Chats
February 18
11:00 am
1:00 pm
[Not just another] Annual Student Survey Pizza Event
March 24
12:00 pm
1:15 pm
Gillings Career Services: Intro to Strengths
April 9
5:00 pm
6:30 pm
Gillings Career Services: Career Resilience Panel