Systems and User Service is responsible for the development, implementation, maintenance, and management of all in-house computing and data communications systems. All users in biostatistics are given an initial orientation and training about computing within the Department of Biostatistics and UNC-Chapel Hill. This orientation will give users a basic understanding on how to optimally utilize the computing services available throughout the University. All users have between one and two hours of initial training, depending on their data management and analysis needs, followed by special advanced training sessions, as demand warrants. This training, combined with full-time user service and customized documentation, provides the continuity of assistance needed to keep users working efficiently in biostatistics and University computing environments. Computer-related purchases for the department are handled centrally to address issues of compatibility, license compliance, comparative cost advantages and maintenance implications. Systems staff will offer guidance and resources on the prevention of computer security incidents.
If you have special needs, problems, or issues of systems policy, discuss them with Scott Zentz. Hardware and software questions or problems can be addressed to Biostatistics Support. This alias is monitored by the systems staff who will respond accordingly.
For more information about the computing environment in biostatistics and the University, please visit the following sites: