Biostatistics and Imaging Genomics analysis lab – Statistics & Signal (BIG-S2)
The BIG-S2 Group has diverse interests in developing novel statistical methods for challenging issues in real applications and solving their underlying methodological issues in statistics. Our projects include diagnostic measures, stochastic approximation algorithm, functional data analysis,deep learning methods,structural equation models, mixed effect models, spline regression, reinforcement learning, missing data problems, causal inference, variable selections, empirical likelihood, mixture models and regression tree.
Center for AIDS Research (Biostatistics Core)
The purpose of the CFAR Biostatistics Core is to accelerate successful HIV/AIDS research by direct provision of biostatistical support and by arranging mutually beneficial collaborations between CFAR researchers and statistical scientists. The core provides biostatistical support that is readily available to CFAR investigators and to other CFAR Cores. In addition to making strategic contributions to the CFAR’s scientific dialog, the core also provides statistical consulting services that range from brief professional consultations to invention of new statistical methods.
Center for Environmental Health and Susceptibility (Biostatistics and Bioinformatics Facility Core)
The Biostatistics and Bioinformatics Facility Core (BBFC) provides support for the data acquisition, analysis, and interpretation needs of laboratory, clinical, and population-based investigations in environmental health.
Department of Statistics and Operations Research (STOR)
The Department of Statistics and Operations Research specializes in inference, decision-making, and data analysis involving complex models and systems exhibiting both deterministic and random behavior.
Innovative Methods Program for Advancing Clinical Trials (IMPACT)
The Innovative Methods Program for Advancing Clinical Trials (IMPACT) is a comprehensive program that aims to improve dramatically the health and longevity of people by improving the clinical trial process. The primary source of funding for this project is the National Cancer Institute through a program project (P01 CA142538) grant entitled “Statistical Methods for Cancer Clinical Trials.” IMPACT’s approach is to leverage recent advances in biologic, genomic, statistical, and computational sciences to create new clinical trial designs and data analysis tools that resolve many of the key scientific limitations of current statistical methods and that maximize the effectiveness of clinical trials for personalized cancer medicine.
Translational and Clinical Sciences Institute (NC TraCS)
The Translational and Clinical Sciences Institute (NC TraCS) work to accelerate clinical and translational research from health science to discovery to dissemination to patients and communities. The Institute seeks to overcome barriers to translation by improving efficiency, training the research workforce and sharing successful research methods.
UNC Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center (Biostatistics Core)
The principal objective of the Biostatistics Core (BIOS Core) is to provide high quality statistical consultation services to UNC’s Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center members. The BIOS Core provides a full collaborative scientific resource focused on providing UNC Lineberger members support for the design, conduct, analyses, and generation of manuscripts for their research.