Biometric Consulting Laboratory
The Biometric Consulting Laboratory, a component of the Department of Biostatistics at the UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health, provides collaborative biostatistical consultation for study design and data analysis for investigators within the Health Affairs Division and occasionally to investigators in other programs or disciplines when the scope and schedule for the requested statistical activities are compatible with the training of graduate students in Biostatistics.
Directed by Dr. Gary G. Koch, Professor in the Department of Biostatistics, the laboratory mainly relies on graduate and undergraduate research assistants for the resolution of specific problems in an environment that provides good training experiences in the practice of biostatistics.
Requests for statistical assistance will be considered as received by fax (919-966-7285) or by email to with a description of the project and research questions. Collaborative statistical activities that provide good training experiences in the practice of biostatistics for graduate and undergraduate students are compatible with the structure of the Biometric Consulting Laboratory, particularly when they have a flexible time schedule. The availability of funding for an activity is helpful, but not necessary. When funding is available, an estimate of costs involved will be developed prior to the conduct of the needed statistical activities (with the range of costs typically being from $2000-$5000 for the types of activities that are feasible). Such costs will be billed monthly or at the end of the activity. Clients are requested, where possible, to prepare their own data sets on computer files for e-mail transfer (with such files having appropriate quality and friendliness for straightforward use). Above all, clients are reminded that early involvement for collaborative biostatistical consultation will often enable better efficiency and quality for statistical activities.
Statistical assistance with research proposals for grants or contracts from governmental agencies, foundations, or sponsors in the private sector is external to the scope of activities that are feasible for the Biometric Consulting Laboratory.
For more information contact Dr. Koch or his administrative assistant at (919) 966-7280, or email the Biometric Consulting lab at