2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012

July 1, 2014 – June 30, 2015

Bender K, Kronstadt J, Bhattacharya B, Chapman EJ, Bevc CA. Alignment between the Public Health Accreditation Board Standards and the Foundational Public Health Services. Public Health Systems and Services Research Interest Group Meeting, Academy Health Annual Research Meeting; June 16-17, 2015; Minneapolis, MN.

Bevc CA, Khan M, Schultz J, Simon MC, Casani J. Jurisdictional Mapping and Resources for Vulnerable and At-Risk Populations Planning. North Carolina Public Health Association Annual Educational Conference; September 17-19, 2014; Wilmington, NC.

Bevc CA, Retrum JH, Varda DM. Mixing It Up: Patterns in PARTNERing across Public Health Collaboratives. 2015 Annual Keeneland Conference; April 20-22, 2015; Lexington, KY.

Bevc CA, Wilfert RA, Decosimo K, Davis MV, Alexander L. Building a Real-Time Assessment Tool to Identify Competency-Based Public Health Preparedness Training Needs. National Association of County and City Health Organization (NACCHO) Preparedness Summit; April 14-17, 2015; Atlanta, GA.

Cilenti D, Orton S, Hassmiller-Lich K, Link S. Collective Impact through Systems Mapping. Association of Maternal and Child Health Programs Annual Meeting; January 25, 2015; Washington DC.

Davis C, Walley A, Dailey M, Southwell J, Niehaus V. First responder naloxone access: A national systematic legal review. American Public Health Association annual conference; November 2014; New Orleans, LA.

Davis CS. Engaging Medical Societies and Other Important Stakeholders in Your Advocacy Efforts. 10th National Harm Reduction Conference; October 2014; Baltimore, MD.

Davis CS. Innovative Legal Approaches to Reduce Drug Overdose. 2014 Public Health Law Conference; October 2014; Atlanta, GA.

Davis CS. Law as Barrier to Harm Reduction Implementation in the U.S. South. AIDS United/Southern Reach Annual Convening; August 2014; Raleigh, NC.

Davis CS. Legal Aspects of Overdose Prevention. U.S Drug Enforcement Administration 22nd National Conference on Pharmaceutical and Chemical Diversion; September 2014; Kansas City, MO.

Davis CS, Dailey M, Niehaus V, Southwell J, Walley Y. First Responder Naloxone Access: A National Systematic Legal Review. American Public Health Association Annual Meeting; November 15-19, 2014; New Orleans, LA.

Davison J. Evolving Case Study in an Infectious Disease Outbreak Investigation. National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculties 41st Annual Meeting; April 2015; Baltimore, MD.

Davison J. Inter-professional Service Learning to Increase Students’ Understanding of Migrant Latino Health. Jefferson Center for InterProfessional Education Conference; October 2014; Philadelphia, PA.

Davison J. A Quality Improvement Project to Improve Hypertension Self-Management. Annual International Conference on Nursing; May 2015; Athens, Greece.

Davison J, Prata E. Migrate/Latino Health Care Issues and Cultural Competency. North Carolina Nurse Practitioner Spring Symposium; April 2015; Asheville, NC.

Davison J, Schrum H. Expedited Partner Therapy in the Treatment of Chlamydia. 2015 North Carolina Nurse Practitioner Spring Symposium; March 2015; Asheville, NC.

Davison JA. Nurse Practitioner Led Inter-Professional Service Learning to Increase Understanding of Migrant Latino Health. American Academy of Nurse Practitioner National Conference; June 2015; New Orleans, LA.

Decosimo KP, Simon MC. Community Health Assessments in North Carolina. West Virginia Local Health Accreditation Readiness Workshop; August 21, 2014; Sutton, WV.

Decosimo KP, Simon MC, Wilfert RA. Using mobile technology and geographic information systems (GIS) sampling tools for collecting primary data for community health needs assessments. Association for Community Health Improvement Conference; March 4-6, 2015; Dallas, TX.

Graham J. ROI Evaluation for Population-Based Interventions by LHDs and Community Benefit Organizations. Association for Community Health Improvement Conference; March 4-6, 2015; Dallas, TX.

Graham JW. School Health Nurse Application. North Carolina Healthcare Information & Communications Alliance (NCHICA); October 8, 2014; Greensboro, NC.

Ising A, Barnett C, Falls D, Waller AE, Wallace J, Deyneka L. Assessing the potential impact of the BioSense 24-hour rule using NC DETECT ED data. Oral presentation at the International Society for Disease Surveillance Annual Conference; December 10-11, 2014; Philadelphia, PA.

Kagey B, Bevc CA, Style L. Public Health Preparedness: Academic Partnerships in Planning for Vulnerable Populations and Community Resilience. National Association of County and City Health Organization (NACCHO) Preparedness Summit; 14-17, 2015; Atlanta, GA.

Kofoed B, Milder S, Schenck AP. State Level Variation in hospital death rates and hospice utilization. American Public Health Association Annual Meeting; November 15-19, 2014; New Orleans, LA.

Mainor A. Evidence for Action Planning: Selecting Evidence-Based Strategies. North Carolina State Health Director’s Conference; January 22, 2015; Raleigh, NC.

Mainor A, Decosimo KP, Leeman J, Edwards L, Rinker J, Cornett A, Mainwaring B, Macon-Harrison L. Applying evidence for success: A collaboration to enhance EBS training resources for North Carolina practitioners. Oral presentation at the North Carolina Public Health Association Annual Meeting; September 17-19, 2014; Wilmington, NC.

Matthews G. Community Health Needs Assessment Process in North Carolina as a Driver for Cross Jurisdictional Sharing for Local Health Departments and Health Systems. 2014 Public Health Law Conference; October 2014; Atlanta, GA.

Matthews G. Public Health Law: Year in Review. 2014 Public Health Law Conference; October 2014; Atlanta, GA.

Schenck AP. America’s Health Ranking Senior Report: Measuring the State of Senior Health. Geographic variation and correlates of premature mortality among seniors. American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, November 2014, New Orleans, LA.

Schenck AP. 25th Anniversary of Americas Health Rankings, 2014 Report Launch Press Conference. Newseum; December 2014; Washington, DC.

Schenck AP. Geographic variation and correlates of premature mortality among seniors. American Public Health Association Annual Meeting; November 15-19, 2014; New Orleans, LA.

Schenck AP. Heath disparities by educational attainment: State rates of smoking, obesity, physical inactivity, diabetes and health status. American Public Health Association Annual Meeting; November 15-19, 2014; New Orleans, LA.

Schenck AP. A snapshot of NC Health Compared to Southern states. NC Legislative Joint Health and Human Services Appropriations Committee; March 2015; Raleigh NC.

Schenck AP. The importance of academic and public health practice partnerships to the development of evidence-based public health. NCPHA Annual Educational Conference; September 17-19, 2014; Wilmington, NC.

Simon MC, Decosimo K, Wilfert RA, Horney JA. A Mobile Data Collection App and Project Management Web-tool for Assessing Health Needs Before or After Disasters. 2015 Public Health Preparedness Summit; April 13-17, 2015; Atlanta, GA.

Simon MC, Southwell JK, Decosimo KP. The highs and lows of mapping communicable disease using a statewide surveillance system in North Carolina. ESRI Health GIS Conference; November 3-4, 2014; Colorado Springs, CO.

Southwell JK, Simon MC, Decosimo KP, Sergent J, Barker A, Macon-Harrison L, Michaels K, Farrell D. Using geo-spatial analysis for planning targeted chlamydia interventions among high-risk groups. Oral presentation at the American Public Health Association Annual Meeting; November 15-19, 2014; New Orleans, LA.

Southwell JK, Simon MC, Decosimo KP, Wilfert R. (2014). The Ethics and Obstacles of Mapping Communicable Disease Surveillance Data for Targeted Intervention in North Carolina. Presented at North Carolina Public Health Association 2014 Educational Conference; September 17-19, 2014; Wilmington, NC.

Spitzer B, Schenck AP. Influences of health behaviors and community characteristics on preventable hospitalizations among seniors. American Public Health Association Annual Meeting; November 15-19, 2014; New Orleans, LA.

Wade K, Matthews G. Community Health Needs Assessment and IRS Compliance of 93 Hospitals in North Carolina. NC CHIC; September 2014; Raleigh, NC.

2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012

FY 2014
July 1, 2013-June 30, 2014

Aaron S, Schenck A. America’s Health Rankings®: identifying and selecting a leading health indicator. American Public Health Association Annual Meeting; November 2013; Boston, MA.

Alexander LK, Decosimo KP, Sullivan S, Wilfert RA. Enhancing training and resources for local health department preparedness staff with the NC Preparedness Coordinators Online Toolkit. Poster presentation at the Annual North Carolina Public Health Association Conference; September 18-20, 2013; Asheville, NC.

Bevc CA, Simon MC, Horney JA. Success in Building Competency and Preparedness Capability for At-Risk Populations Planning. NACCHO Public Health Preparedness Summit; April 2014.

Bevc C, Simon MC, Montoya T, Horney JA. Institutional Facilitators and Barriers to Local Public Health Preparedness Planning for Vulnerable and At-Risk Populations. Natural Hazards Center Annual Workshop; July 2013.

Bevc C, Simon MC, Montoya T, Horney JA. Variation in Planning Priorities for Vulnerable and At-Risk Populations. International Research Committee for Disasters; July 2013.

Bevc CA, Simon MS, Montoya TA, Horney JA. Institutional Facilitators and Barriers to Local Public Health Preparedness Planning for Vulnerable and At-Risk Populations. Poster presentation at Annual Hazards Research and Applications Workshop; July 13-16, 2013; Broomfield, CO.

Bevc CA, Simon MS, Montoya TA, Horney JA. Institutional Impediments: An Evaluation of Local Planning Practices for Vulnerable and At-Risk Populations. Oral presentation at IRCD Researchers Meeting; July 16-17, 2013; Boulder, CO.

Buckheit K. Sleep Disorders: When You Snooze, You DON’T Lose. American Association of Occupational Health Nurses National Conference; May 6, 2014; Dallas, TX.

David MV, Bevc CA, Belenky N, Mahanna E, Gunther-Mohr CA. Custom survey reports: Fulfilling a participatory research promise. Annual Meeting of the Public Health System Research Interest Group, AcademyHealth Annual Academic Research Meeting; June 10-11, 2014; San Diego, CA.

Decosimo KP, Alexander LK, Sullivan S, Wilfert RA. North Carolina Preparedness Coordinators Toolkit. Presented at: Annual North Carolina Public Health Preparedness and Response Conference; July 23-25, 2013; High Point, NC.

Graham, JW. A Blueprint of the Future for Local Public Health Departments in North Carolina: Collaboration Between Local Public Health and the Healthcare Community in North Carolina. North Carolina State Health Director’s Conference; January 23, 2014; Raleigh, NC.

Graham, JW. Anna: An Interactive Learning Platform. American Public Health Association Annual Meeting; November 2013; Boston, MA.

Graham, JW. Healthcare Connect: A Dedicated Broadband Network for NC’s Healthcare Providers. North Carolina Healthcare Information and Communications Alliance; September 10, 2013; Asheville, NC.

Graham, JW. School Health Application: A Disease Surveillance and School Nurse Productivity Tool, Healthy Schools Institute. University of North Carolina at Wilmington; June 26, 2014; Wilmington, NC

Hanson L, Schenck AP, Burstin H. Measuring the quality of care for older adults with serious illness. Center to Advance Palliative Care, podcast, June 2014.

Orton S, S Verbiest. Women’s Integrated Systems for Health: Developing Innovative Partnerships to Improve Women’s Health. Postpartum Support International conference; June 21, 2014; Chapel Hill NC.

Schenck AP. Assessing the impact of public health investments on community health outcomes. Public Health Systems and Service Research Keeneland Conference; April 2014; Lexington, KY.

Schenck AP. Educational opportunities at UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health. USPHE Environmental Health Officers; January 2014; National webinar.

Schenck AP. Embracing Change. North Carolina Public Health Association Annual Educational Conference; September 2013; Asheville, NC.

Schenck AP. Global health is public health. Global health is local health. GlobeMed Eminence Retreat; January 2014; Chapel Hill, NC.

Schenck AP, Cilenti D. Measuring the return on investment in public health in NC. North Carolina Public Health Association Annual Educational Conference; September 2013; Asheville, NC.

Schenck AP, Meyer AM, Kuo M, Cilenti D. Assessing the return on investment in public health: new measures and approaches. Academy Health, Public Health Services Research Interest Group Meeting; June 2014; San Diego, CA.

Simon MC, Decosimo KP, Horney JA, Alfano-Sobsey E, Hagar P. Using geographic information systems (GIS) as a tool to build academic and community collaboration for conducting community health assessments. Oral presentation at the American Public Health Association Annual Meeting; November 2-6, 2013; Boston, MA.

Simon MC, Decosimo K, Wilfert R, Horney J. Primary Data Collection Methods for Community Health Needs Assessments in North Carolina. North Carolina Society for Public Health Education Annual Meeting; October 2013.

Simon MC, Horney JA, Decosimo KP, Alfano-Sobsey E, Hagar P. Using disaster assessment methodology as an approach to collect data for community health assessments in Wake County, North Carolina. Poster presentation at the Annual North Carolina Public Health Association Conference; September 18-20, 2013; Asheville, NC.

Wells R, Cilenti D, Issel M. How case management staff and mothers experiences a transition to medical homes. Academy of Management Annual Meeting; August 2014; Philadelphia, PA.

2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012

July 1, 2012-June 30, 2013

Alexander LK, Decosimo KP, Sullivan S, Wilfert RA. Selecting essential resources for local health department preparedness staff: Building the NC Preparedness Coordinators Online Tool Kit. Poster presentation at the 2013 Public Health Preparedness Summit; March 12-15, 2013; Atlanta, GA.

Bevc C, Simon M, Markiewicz M, Horney JA. Vulnerable and At-Risk Populations Resource Guide. Presented at: Natural Hazards Center Annual Workshop; July 2012; Broomfield, CO.

Bevc CA, Markiewicz ML, Samoff E, Horney JA, MacDonald PDM. Network-Based Assessment of Brokerage Roles within the Hospital-Based Public Health Epidemiologist Program. Presented at: Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association; August 2012; Denver, OC.

Bevc CA, Simon MC, Montoya TA, Horney JA. Public Health Preparedness Planning for Vulnerable and At-Risk Populations Preliminary Results from the Vulnerable and At-Risk Populations Resource Guide. Poster presentation at NACCHO Public Health Preparedness Summit 2013; March 2013; Atlanta, GA.

Cilenti D. Introduction to Cultural Competency and Title VI. Presented at: 40th Anniversary North Carolina AHEC Conference; February 2013; Dobson, NC.

Cilenti D. Moving from Direct Services to Infrastructure Building in Public Health: Implications for Leadership and Accountability. Presented at: Maternal and Child Health Public Health Leadership Institute Webinar; March 2013; Chapel Hill, NC

Cilenti D, Deere D. Distant Learning in Response to the 6 I’s: How to Promote Interdisciplinary Education and System Integration. Presented at: Health Resources Service Administration (HRSA) National Maternal and Child Health (MCH) Bureau First Fridays Webinars; March 2013.

Cilenti D, Gates H. Hospitals and Public Health Agencies Collaborating to Improve Community Health. Presented at: Institute for Healthcare Improvement 14th Annual International Summit on Improving Patient Care in the Office Practice and the Community; April 2013; Scottsdale, AZ.

Cilenti D, Morrow J, James C. WIHI: Community Health Needs Assessments Part 2: Lessons from North Carolina. Audio broadcast presented at: Institute for Healthcare Improvement; April 2013.

Cilenti D, Wells R, Kum HC. Trends in Maternal and Child Health Services and Outcomes During the Economic Recession in North Carolina. Presented at: North Carolina Public Health Association Educational Conference; September 2012; New Bern, NC.

Davis CS, Markiewicz M. Intergovernmental cooperation in public health: a survey of state law. Presented at: American Public Health Association Annual Meeting; October 30, 2012; San Francisco, CA.

Decosimo KP, DiBiase LM, Connolly AM, Thomas F, Ashby RM, Wilfert RA. Implementing HIV/AIDS and syphilis reporting into an existing electronic communicable disease surveillance system: training successes, challenges, and lessons learned. Oral presentation at the American Public Health Association Annual Meeting; October 27-31, 2012; San Francisco, CA.

George A, Montoya TA, Alexander LK, Bradley L, Wilfert RA. Social media and public health professionals: A survey of social media use among users of a public health training web site. Oral presentation at the American Public Health Association 2012 Annual Meeting; October 27-31, 2012; San Francisco, CA.

George A, Rhodes J, Hegle J, Wilfert RA. Building a statewide online threat preparedness course for West Virginia: A collaborative partnership. Poster presentation at the 2013 Public Health Preparedness Summit; March 12-15, 2013; Atlanta, GA.

Horney JA. The Public Health Impact of Disasters. Presented at: Hazard Reduction and Recovery Center, College of Architecture, Texas A&M University; August 31, 2012; College Station, TX.

Horney JA, Sutton J, Pearce L. Plans and Practices: Promoting Rural Community Resiliency. Presented at: Natural Hazards Center Annual Workshop; July 2012.

Horney JA, Wilfert RA, Ricchetti-Masterson J, Richter J. The South Carolina Medical Reserve Corps: Training to Provide Outbreak Surge Capacity. Poster presentation at the 2013 Public Health Preparedness Summit; March 12-15, 2013; Atlanta, GA.

Matthews G. Legal aspects of local health department restructuring. Presented at: Public Health Law Conference; October 10, 2012; Atlanta, GA.

Matthews G, Hogan R, Parmet WE. Public health law: year in review. Presented at: Public Health Law Conference; October 10, 2012; Atlanta, GA.

Orton S. Evaluation of QI Initiatives and Return on Investment. Presented at: Public Health Improvement Training, National Network of Public Health Institutes; April 24, 2013; Atlanta, GA.

Orton S. The Sustainability Challenge: business planning tools for public health partnerships. Presented at: Public Health Improvement Training, National Network of Public Health Institutes; April 24, 2013; Atlanta, GA.

Orton S. The Business of Public Health. Presented at: Models of Excellence series, Rollins School of Public Health, Emory University; March 28, 2013; Atlanta, GA.

Randolph G, Crawley-Stout LA, Orton S. The Return on Investment on Measuring Return on Investment in Prevention Improvement Efforts: Case Studies from the Frontlines in North Carolina. Presented at: NNPHI Leveraging Public Health Institutes for Systems Change Conference; December 2012; Charlotte NC.

Ricchetti-Masterson K, Horney JA. Social Factors as Modifiers of Hurricane Irene Evacuation Behavior in Beaufort County, NC. Presented at: North Carolina Public Health Association Annual Conference; September 2012.

Schenck AP. America’s Health Rankings®: Selection and review of health metrics. American Public Health Association Annual Meeting; October 2012; San Francisco, CA.

Schenck AP. Leadership for changing times. North Carolina Public Health Association Educational Conference; September 2012; New Bern, NC.

Simon MC, Horney JA. GIS and Public Health Threat Preparedness. Presented at: West Virginia 2012 Public Health Threat Preparedness Conference; July 18-20, 2012; South Charleston, WV.

Umble K, Ross D, Baker E. Informatics Training Program Evaluation. Presented at: Learning Sharing Networking in Public Health Informatics Conference; September 25, 2012; Chapel Hill, NC.

Wallace JW, Poole C, Horney JA. Actual and Perceived Flood Risk in Evacuation from Hurricane Irene in Beaufort County, NC. Presented at: Floodplain Management Association Annual Conference; September 2012.

Wells R, Cilenti D. Four Health Departments Experience Implementing Pregnancy Care Management and Care Coordination for Children. Presented at: North Carolina Division of Public Health Birth Matters Conference; August 2012; Greensboro, NC.

Wilfert R, Alexander A, Cilenti D, Davis MV, Orton S. Using national public health competency sets to build continuing education programs for the public health workforce: The North Carolina Institute for Public Health approach. Presented at: American Public Health Association Annual Meeting; October 29, 2012; San Francisco, CA. https://apha.confex.com/apha/140am/webprogram/Paper261582.html)

Wilfert RA, Alexander LK, Cilenti D, Davis M, Orton S. Using national public health competency sets to build continuing education programs for the public health workforce: The North Carolina Institute for Public Health approach. Oral presentation at the American Public Health Association 2012 Annual Meeting; October 27-31, 2012; San Francisco, CA.

2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012

July 1, 2011-June 30, 2012

Alexander LK, Horney JA, Colvin N, Heiss G. Linking academics and practice: Graduate student practicum experiences in epidemiology. Oral presentation at the 139th Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association (APHA); November 2011; Washington, DC.

Allee MK, Orton S, Abarca C, Johnson-Cornett B. Revenue+Effort=Outcomes: Applying Business Planning to Mobilizing for Action through Planning and Partnerships Community Health Improvement. Presentated at: 139th Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association (APHA); November 2011; Washington, DC.

Ammerman A, Cilenti D, Harrison CM. Using Evidence-based Strategies in Public Health. Presented at: North Carolina Public Health Association Annual Meeting; September 2011; Charlotte, NC.

Baker E, MacDonald PDM, Davis MV, Mays GP, Gunther-Mohr C. Translation of research into policy and practice: Lessons learned from the North Carolina Preparedness and Emergency Response Research Center. Oral presentation at the 2012 Public Health Systems & Services Research Keeneland Conference; April 17-19, 2012; Lexington, KY.

Bevc C. Integrating Vulnerable and At-Risk Populations into Closed POD Exercise Planning. Presented at: North Carolina Public Health Association Annual Educational Conference; September 21-23, 2011; Charlotte, NC.

Bevc C, Bonaiuto M. Using a Survey to Improve Preparedness Practice: The NCPERRC P-CAS Study. Presented at: North Carolina Public Health Association Annual Educational Conference; September 21-23, 2011; Charlotte, NC

Bevc C, Davis MV, Mays G. Trends in State-Based Accreditation and Preparedness Capacities. Presented at: AcademyHealth Public Health Systems Research Interest Group Meeting; June 26, 2012; Kissimmee, FL.

Bevc C, Horney JA, MacDonald PDM. Integrating Vulnerable and At-Risk Populations into Public Health Preparedness Planning. Oral presentation at the 2012 Public Health Preparedness Summit; February 21 – 24, 2012; Anaheim, CA.

Bevc CA, Mays GP. Sustaining Preparedness: Two-Year Comparison of Results from the Local Health Department Preparedness Capacity (P-CAS) Survey. Oral presentation at the 2012 Public Health Systems & Services Research Keeneland Conference; April 17-19, 2012; Lexington, KY.

Bradley LN, Wilfert RA, Montoya TA, Umble K, Alexander LK. Design and implementation of a uniform Center-wide evaluation strategy using the Kirkpatrick Model. Oral presentation at the 139th Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association (APHA); November 2011; Washington, DC

Buckheit K, Ostendorf J. Toxicology and the Worker: Are You Killing Me? Presented at: American Association of Occupational Health Nurses (AAOHN) Conference, Pre-Conference offering; 2012; Nashville, TN.

Buckheit K, Ostendorf J. What OHNs Need to Know About Toxicology and Worker Exposure. Presented at: AAOHN Conference, Concurrent session offering; 2012; Nashville, TN.

Cilenti D. Community Health Assessment: Public Health and Hospital Collaboration regarding ACA requirements. Presented at: North Carolina SOPHE Annual Meeting; October 2011.

Cilenti D. Community Health Needs Assessment: Reaching the Vision. Presented at: North Carolina State Health Director’s Conference; January 2012; Raleigh, NC.

Cilenti D. Health Department Partnerships: Collaboration with Local Healthcare Providers. Presented at: North Carolina Public Health Association Annual Meeting; September 2011; Charlotte, NC.

Cilenti D. North Carolina Public Health Leaders in Practice: A Response to County Health Rankings. Presented at: North Carolina Public Health Association Educational Conference; May 2012; Raleigh, NC.

Cilenti D. North Carolina Public Health Practice-Based Research Network (NCPBRN). Presented at: North Carolina Public Health Association Spring Educational Conference; May 2012; Raleigh, NC.

Cilenti D. North Carolina’s Public Health/Hospital Collaborative. Presented at: Trust for America’s Health Meeting; May 2012; Washington, DC.

Cilenti D, Place J. Student Leaders in Practice Program: Student Experiences and New Opportunities for Local Health Departments. Presented at: North Carolina Public Health Association Annual Meeting; September 2011; Charlotte, NC.

Davis MV. Evaluation of the National Public Health Improvement Initiative. Presented at: American Public Health Association Annual Meeting; October 31, 2011; Washington, DC.

Davis MV, Bevc C, Mays G. P-CAS: A Preliminary Metric and Baseline for Preparedness Capacity and Capabilities. Oral presentation at the 2012 Public Health Preparedness Summit; February 21 – 24, 2012; Anaheim, CA.

Davis MV, Bevc CA, Mays GP. Sustaining Preparedness: Two-Year Comparison of Results from the Local Health Department Preparedness Capacity (P-CAS) Survey. Presented at: Public Health Systems & Services Research Keeneland Conference; April 17-19, 2012; Lexington, KY.

Davis MV, Bevc CA, Mays GP. Trends in State-Based Accreditation and Preparedness Capacities. Oral presentation at AcademyHealth Public Health Systems Research Interest Group; June 24-26, 2012; Orlando, FL.

Davis MV, Gunther-Mohr C. Participatory Research Partnerships: Addressing Relevant Public Health System Challenges. Oral presentation at National Network of Public Health Institutes Annual Conference; May 21-23, 2012; New Orleans, LA.

Davis MV, Mahanna E, Zelek M, Eggers M, Vincus A, Joly B, Riley W. Building Theory: Creating a QI Culture. Presented at: AcademyHealth Public Health Systems Research Interest Group Meeting; June 26, 2012; Kissimmee, FL.

Davis MV, Mahanna E, Zelek M, Vincus A, Eggers M, Joly B, Riley W. Building Integrated Culture of Quality Theory in Local Health Departments: Moving from qi to QI. Presented at: Public Health Systems & Services Research Keeneland Conference; April 17-19, 2012; Lexington, KY.

Davis MV, Mays GP, Bevc C. Using a Survey to Improve Preparedness Practice: Preparedness Capacities Survey (PCAS) Study. Presented at: NC Public Health Association Annual Education Conference; September 22, 2011; Charlotte, NC.

Decosimo KP, Davis MK. Introduction to Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program (HSEEP). Presented at: Tennessee Department of Health Statewide Emergency Preparedness Meeting; June 26-28, 2012; Franklin, TN.

Dent G, Matthews GW. Shared accountability and regional governance. Presented at: CDC Public Forum: Best Practices for Community Health Needs Assessment and Implementation Strategy Development; July 13, 2011; Atlanta, GA.

Dessauer M. Storytelling for Change: Creating and Sharing Impactful Stories. Presented at: Project CHANGE Capacity Building Training Conference, hosted by My Brother’s Keeper; February 22-23, 2012; Jackson, MS.

Dessauer M, Gibson F. Active Living By Design: Partnering with Communities to Create Great Streets. Presented at: Association of Pedestrian and Bicycle Professionals National Seminar, hosted by the Association of Pedestrian and Bicycle Professionals; October 25, 2011; Charlotte, NC.

George A, Alexander LK, Sloane AB, Wilfert RA, Montoya TA. From competency to KSAs: An effective collaborative process. Oral presentation at the 139th Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association; November 2011; Washington, DC.

Grabich S, Horney J. Evaluation of the usefulness of Social Vulnerability Indices in rural U.S. counties. Presented at: Society for Epidemiologic Research; June 2012.

Horney JA. Community Assessment for Public Health Emergency Response (Rapid Needs Assessment). Presented at: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Office of Public Health Preparedness and Response Topics in Emergency Preparedness and Response Seminar Series; May 30, 2012; Atlanta, GA.

Horney JA, Davis MK, Ricchetti-Masterson K, MacDonald PDM. Can Team Epi-Aid Lead Students to Careers in Applied Public Health? Program and abstracts of the 139th Annual Meeting of American Public Health Association; November, 2011; Washington, DC.

Horney JA, Markiewicz M, Bevc C, Casani J, Levine M, MacDonald PDM. Services provided by regional preparedness and response teams in North Carolina and Virginia. Poster presentation at the 139th Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association (APHA); November 2011; Washington, DC.

Horney JA, Simon M. Use of Community Assessment for Public Health Emergency Response (CASPER) methods in a non-disaster setting: Examples from NC. Presented at: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention CASPER Subject Matter Expert meeting; November 2011.

Horney JA, Turner L. Translating Evidence into Action: Enhancing the Impact of Public Health Emergency Preparedness-Funded Workforce Infrastructure in North Carolina. Presented at: Association of State and Territorial Health Officers Directors of Public Health Preparedness Annual Meeting; September 20-22, 2011; St. Louis, MO.

Lee J. Designed for Health: The Effect of the Built Environment on Healthy Lifestyles. Presented at: 2011 North Carolina WIC Program Conference, WIC: We Influence Change, Mind, Body and Soul, hosted by North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services, Division of Public Health – Women’s & Children’s Health Section, Nutrition Services Branch; October 24, 2011; Durham, NC.

MacDonald PDM, Horney JA, Casani J. Translating Evidence into Action: Improving the Effectiveness of Regional Public Health Workforce Assets. Oral presentation at the 2012 Public Health Preparedness Summit; February 21-24, 2012; Anaheim, CA.

Matthews GW (organizer). Political implications of accreditation, regionalization, and county health rankings. Presented at: American Public Health Association Annual Meeting; November 2, 2011; Washington, DC.

Nelson D, Cilenti D. Community Health Needs Assessment. Presented at: Healthy Carolinians Community Health Assessment Institute; February 2012; Greensboro, NC.

Samoff E, Fangman MT, Fleischauer A, Waller A, MacDonald PDM. ELR decreases the time required to process cases at state and local public health agencies in North Carolina, 2010. Oral presentation at the Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists Annual Meeting; June 3-7, 2012; Omaha, NB.

Samoff E, Waller A, MacDonald PDM. Implementation of electronic surveillance systems expands local health department surveillance capacity. Poster presented at the 2012 Public Health Preparedness Summit; February 21-24, 2012; Anaheim, CA.

Schenck AP. Americas Health Rankings® and Occupational Safety and Health. National Occupational Research Agenda Seminar; November 2011; Chapel Hill, NC.

Schenck AP, Eckstein T. Americas Health Rankings®: The influence of preventive health indicators. American Public Health Association Annual Meeting; October 2011; Washington, DC.

Strunk S. Using Evidence to Create Active Communities: Stories from the Field. Presented at: Active Living Research Annual Conference 2012, hosted by Active Living Research; March 14, 2012; San Diego, CA.

Strunk S, Valerie Moore V, Knife Chief C. Healthy, Active Native Communities Initiative: Building Sustainable Obesity Prevention Policy, Environment and Systems Change in Native Communities. Presented at: Association of American Indian Physicians Annual Meeting, hosted by the Association of American Indians; August 13, 2011; Portland, OR.

Treleaven E, Morgan D, Pena R, Horney JA. RotaTeq coverage and perceived barriers to vaccination in a rural health district in RAAN, Nicaragua. Oral presentation at the 139th Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association; November 2011; Washington, DC.

Wayne J, Mays G, Davis MV, Marti C, Bellamy J, Wood BW. Does Local Public Health Department Accreditation in North Carolina have a Positive Impact on Emergency Preparedness: Conclusions from the NACCHO National Profiles. Poster presentation at the 139th Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association; November 2011; Washington, DC.

Wilfert RA, Alexander L, Montoya T, Umble K, George A. From Training to Job Performance: Developing Best Practices for Transfer of Learning to Ensure a Prepared Workforce. Poster presentation at the 2012 Public Health Preparedness Summit; February 22-24, 2012; Anaheim, CA.

Wilkerson R. Welcome, Introductions and Special Recognitions. Presented at: Safe Routes to School National Partnership Annual Meeting, hosted by the Safe Routes to School National Partnership; August 15, 2011; Minneapolis, MN.

Zotti M, Williams A, Horney JA. Using Disaster Experiences to Guide Emergency Preparedness and Response for Women and Infants. Presented at: Annual Maternal and Child Health Epidemiology Conference; December 14-16, 2011; New Orleans, LA.