This is a continuing professional development course available to North Carolina Area Health Education Centers (AHECs). Learn more about the Gillings School’s partnership with NC AHEC and see our full continuing professional development catalog.

Grantwriting 101 for Local Health Departments

Target Audience

Local health department staff interested in writing grant and funding proposals.

Learning Objectives

  • Describe the basic funding proposal development process.
  • Name common structural elements in funding proposals.
  • Recognize strategies for successful proposal development.
  • List different types of funding sources and how to find funding opportunities.


This is a beginner level course for local health department staff focusing on the fundamentals of writing grants and other funding proposals.



3 hours

Formats Available

Live webinar

Instructor Information

Dawn Morriston, MPH
Associate Director of Educational Programs
UNC School of Family Medicine

John Wallace, PhD
Senior Data Advisor
North Carolina Institute of Public Health

Request a Course

Local AHECs can request this course by completing our request form.

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135 Dauer Drive
221 Rosenau Hall, CB #8165
Chapel Hill, NC 27599-8165