Bevc CA, Davis MV, Schenck AP. (2014). Temporal Trends in Preparedness Capacity. Frontiers in Public Health Services and Systems Research, 3(3), article 3.

Bevc CA, Simon MC, Montoya TA, Horney JA. (in press). Institutional Facilitators and Barriers to Local Public Health Preparedness Planning for Vulnerable and At-Risk Populations. Public Health Reports, CDC PERRC supplement.

Beyea A, Fischer J, Schenck AP, Hanson LC. (2013). Integrating palliative care information and hospice referral in Medicaid primary care. J Palliat Med, 16(4):376-82. doi: 10.1089/jpm.2012.0483

Cilenti D, Kum HC, Wells RS, Whitmire JT, Goyal RK, Hillemeier MM, Domino ME. (2013). Trends in NC maternal and child health services and outcomes during the great recession. Submitted for publication April 2013. J Public Health Management Practice.

Cilenti D, Kum HC, Wells RS, Whitmire JT, Goyal RK, Hillemeier MM. (accepted for publication). Changes in NC Maternal Health Service Use and Outcomes among Medicaid-enrolled Pregnant Women during State Budget Cuts. J Public Health Management and Practice.

Cocowitch V, S Orton, J Daniels, D Kiser. (2013). Reframing Leadership Development in Healthcare: An OD Approach. OD Practitioner,45(3):10-18.

Davis MV, Bevc CA, Schenck AP.(in press). Effects of Performance Improvement Programs on Preparedness Capacities. Public Health Reports.

Davis MV, Mays GP, Bellamy J, Bevc CA, Marti C. (2013). Improving public health preparedness capacity measurement: development of the local health department preparedness capacities assessment survey. Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness, 7(6):578-84.

Gonzalez L, Berry D, Davison J. (2013). Diabetes self-management education interventions and glycemic control among Hispanics: A literature review. Hispanic Health Care International, 11(4):154-156.

Hillemeier MM, Domino ME, Wells RD, Goyal RK, Kum HC, Cilenti D, Whitmire JT, Basu A. (accepted for publication). Effects of Maternity Care Coordination on Pregnancy Outcomes: Propensity-Weighted Analyses. Maternal and Child Health Journal.

Horney JA, Nguyen M, Cooper J, Simon MC, Ricchetti-Masterson K, Salvesen D, Berke P. (2013). Accounting for vulnerable populations in rural hazard mitigation plans: Results of a survey of emergency managers. Journal of Emergency Management, 11(3):205-211.

Horney JA, Simon MC, Grabich S, Berke P. (2014). Assessing individual knowledge of the hazard mitigation planning process, Bertie County, NC. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management. doi: 10.1080/09640568.2014.892870

Kolwaite AR, Hlady G, Simon MC, Cadwell BL, Daley R, Fleischauer AT, May Z, Thoroughman D. (2013). Assessing Functional Needs Sheltering in Pike County, Kentucky: Using Community Assessment for Public Health Emergency Response. Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness, 7 (06): 597-602. doi: 10.1017/dmp.2013.110

Mazer M, Jacobson Vann J, Lamanna E, Davison, J. (2014). Reducing Children’s Exposure to School Bus Diesel Exhaust in One School District in North Carolina. The Journal of School Nursing, 30: 88-96. doi:10.1177/1059840513496429

Orton S, J Porter. (2013). Management Moment: What To Do When The Hospital Calls. J Public Health Management Practice. 19(3):274-277.

Robinson J, Hodges EA, Davison, J. (2014). Prostate Specific Antigen Screening: A Critical Review of Current Research and Guidelines. Journal of the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners.

Schenck AP, Rokoske F, Durham D, Cagle J, Hanson LC. (2014). Quality measures for hospice and palliative care: Piloting the PEACE measures. J Palliat Med, 17(7):769-775.

Singleton CM, Corso L, Koester D, Carlson V, Bevc CA, Davis MV. (2014). Accreditation and Emergency Preparedness: Linkages and Opportunities for Leveraging the Connections. Journal of Public Health Management and Practice, 20(1):119-24.

Thomas JC, Reynolds H, Bevc CA, Tsegaye A. (2014). Integration opportunities for HIV and family planning services in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia: An organizational network analysis. BMC Health Services Research, 14:22.

Wallace JW, Horney JA, Wilfert RA, Alexander LK. (2013). Assessing Outcomes of Online Training in Public Health: Changes in Individual and Organizational Knowledge and Capacity. Pharmacy, 1(2):107-118.




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