Aaron S, Schenck A. America’s Health Rankings®: identifying and selecting a leading health indicator. American Public Health Association Annual Meeting; November 2013; Boston, MA.
Alexander LK, Decosimo KP, Sullivan S, Wilfert RA. Enhancing training and resources for local health department preparedness staff with the NC Preparedness Coordinators Online Toolkit. Poster presentation at the Annual North Carolina Public Health Association Conference; September 18-20, 2013; Asheville, NC.
Bevc C, Simon MC, Montoya T, Horney JA. Institutional Facilitators and Barriers to Local Public Health Preparedness Planning for Vulnerable and At-Risk Populations. Natural Hazards Center Annual Workshop; July 2013.
Bevc C, Simon MC, Montoya T, Horney JA. Variation in Planning Priorities for Vulnerable and At-Risk Populations. International Research Committee for Disasters; July 2013.
Bevc CA, Simon MC, Horney JA. Success in Building Competency and Preparedness Capability for At-Risk Populations Planning. NACCHO Public Health Preparedness Summit; April 2014.
Bevc CA, Simon MS, Montoya TA, Horney JA. Institutional Facilitators and Barriers to Local Public Health Preparedness Planning for Vulnerable and At-Risk Populations. Poster presentation at Annual Hazards Research and Applications Workshop; July 13-16, 2013; Broomfield, CO.
Bevc CA, Simon MS, Montoya TA, Horney JA. Institutional Impediments: An Evaluation of Local Planning Practices for Vulnerable and At-Risk Populations. Oral presentation at IRCD Researchers Meeting; July 16-17, 2013; Boulder, CO.
Buckheit K. Sleep Disorders: When You Snooze, You DON’T Lose. American Association of Occupational Health Nurses National Conference; May 6, 2014; Dallas, TX.
Decosimo KP, Alexander LK, Sullivan S, Wilfert RA. North Carolina Preparedness Coordinators Toolkit. Presented at: Annual North Carolina Public Health Preparedness and Response Conference; July 23-25, 2013; High Point, NC.
Graham, JW. A Blueprint of the Future for Local Public Health Departments in North Carolina: Collaboration Between Local Public Health and the Healthcare Community in North Carolina. North Carolina State Health Director’s Conference; January 23, 2014; Raleigh, NC.
Graham, JW. Anna: An Interactive Learning Platform. American Public Health Association Annual Meeting; November 2013; Boston, MA.
Graham, JW. Healthcare Connect: A Dedicated Broadband Network for NC’s Healthcare Providers. North Carolina Healthcare Information and Communications Alliance; September 10, 2013; Asheville, NC.
Graham, JW. School Health Application: A Disease Surveillance and School Nurse Productivity Tool, Healthy Schools Institute. University of North Carolina at Wilmington; June 26, 2014; Wilmington, NC
Hanson L, Schenck AP, Burstin H. Measuring the quality of care for older adults with serious illness. Center to Advance Palliative Care, podcast, June 2014.
Orton S, S Verbiest. Women’s Integrated Systems for Health: Developing Innovative Partnerships to Improve Women’s Health. Postpartum Support International conference; June 21, 2014; Chapel Hill NC.
Schenck AP, Cilenti D. Measuring the return on investment in public health in NC. North Carolina Public Health Association Annual Educational Conference; September 2013; Asheville, NC.
Schenck AP, Meyer AM, Kuo M, Cilenti D. Assessing the return on investment in public health: new measures and approaches. Academy Health, Public Health Services Research Interest Group Meeting; June 2014; San Diego, CA.
Schenck AP. Assessing the impact of public health investments on community health outcomes. Public Health Systems and Service Research Keeneland Conference; April 2014; Lexington, KY.
Schenck AP. Educational opportunities at UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health. USPHE Environmental Health Officers; January 2014; National webinar.
Schenck AP. Embracing Change. North Carolina Public Health Association Annual Educational Conference; September 2013; Asheville, NC.
Schenck AP. Global health is public health. Global health is local health. GlobeMed Eminence Retreat; January 2014; Chapel Hill, NC.
Simon MC, Decosimo K, Wilfert R, Horney J. Primary Data Collection Methods for Community Health Needs Assessments in North Carolina. North Carolina Society for Public Health Education Annual Meeting; October 2013.
Simon MC, Decosimo KP, Horney JA, Alfano-Sobsey E, Hagar P. Using geographic information systems (GIS) as a tool to build academic and community collaboration for conducting community health assessments. Oral presentation at the American Public Health Association Annual Meeting; November 2-6, 2013; Boston, MA.
Simon MC, Horney JA, Decosimo KP, Alfano-Sobsey E, Hagar P. Using disaster assessment methodology as an approach to collect data for community health assessments in Wake County, North Carolina. Poster presentation at the Annual North Carolina Public Health Association Conference; September 18-20, 2013; Asheville, NC.
Wells R, Cilenti D, Issel M. How case management staff and mothers experiences a transition to medical homes. Academy of Management Annual Meeting; August 2014; Philadelphia, PA.