A climate of inclusive excellence is crucial for the recruitment, retention, success and satisfaction of the very best faculty, staff and students. A permanent dean’s level committee, the Inclusive Excellence Council (IEC), was established in Fall 2019 to address these issues within the context of public health education. The Council is necessary to ensure our School will be well-equipped to address these needs in a strategic manner. It is comprised of faculty, staff and students from across the School. Faculty and staff were nominated by their respective departments and serve 3-year terms. Students are selected through an online application process and serve one- or two-year terms.

The IEC is responsible for:

  • Monitoring and evaluating the progress of the strategic priorities listed in the inclusive excellence action plan.
  • Advising on and coordinating activities that support and strengthen a climate of inclusive excellence within our School.
  • Advising faculty, staff and students regarding issues of diversity and climate within the School.
  • Serving as chair(s) of action plan subcommittees that lead schoolwide efforts to meet our stated goals.
  • Providing updates on Council activities to their units and serving as a liaison regarding inclusive excellence.
  • Periodically revising the inclusive excellence action plan as needed.

IEC Subcommittees

Efforts led by the IEC are organized around the inclusive excellence action plan. The current subcommittees are advocacy, curriculum, communications, diversity and training.


Purpose: Advocate on behalf of students for living wages, fairness in hiring practices and greater transparency regarding employment opportunities.


Purpose: Develop and improve approaches to communicating about inclusion, equity and anti-racism efforts at Gillings.


Purpose: Evaluate and improve anti-racist and equity components in student learning during orientation and across the curriculum.


Purpose: Evaluate and improve efforts surrounding the recruitment and retention of Gillings faculty, staff and students from diverse backgrounds.


Purpose: Dismantle racism and promote equity throughout the research enterprise.


Purpose: Develop, implement, and evaluate trainings, including strong anti-racist and equity-driven components, for faculty, staff, TAs and other members of the Gillings community.

How to Join

Interested in joining either the inclusive excellence council or one of its subcommittees? For more information or to ask questions, contact the Inclusive Excellence Team at sph_inclusive_excellence@unc.edu.

Gillings Admissions: 233 Rosenau Hall, (919) 445-1170
Student Affairs: 263 Rosenau Hall, (919) 966-2499
Dean's Office: 170 Rosenau Hall, (919) 966-3215
Business and Administration: 170 Rosenau Hall, (919) 966-3215
Academic Affairs: 307 Rosenau Hall, (919) 843-8044
Inclusive Excellence: 207B Rosenau Hall, (919) 966-7430
Room Reservations

135 Dauer Drive
Chapel Hill, NC 27599-7400