Brown investigates link between sanitation infrastructure and health in rural U.S.

April 8, 2021
Gillings School alumnus and faculty member Dr. Joe Brown is investigating the prevalence of sanitation-related pathogens in low-income communities in rural Alabama.

New ozone air pollution maps support Global Burden of Disease study

March 8, 2021
New research led by UNC Gillings School students and faculty has mapped global ground-level ozone concentrations by year using a data fusion. This is the first time this method has been applied to ozone observations globally. The findings were used by the Global Burden of Disease 2019 study, which estimated that about 365,000 people around the world died in 2019 from exposure to ozone pollution.

Courtney Woods and the case of the contaminated current

February 25, 2021
Leaders from the Sampson County community in North Carolina welcomed Assistant Professor Dr. Courtney Woods into their local environmental justice efforts.

Virtual Water and Health Conference gives new platform to necessary WaSH conversations

November 24, 2020
For the first time since it was established in 2009, the UNC Water Institute held the 2020 Water and Health Conference online. The conference saw record attendance as it brought together experts and policymakers from around the world to examine the latest trends and evidence to inform policy and practice in water, sanitation and hygiene (WaSH).

Does air pollution increase women’s risk of dementia?

November 18, 2020
New study finds high levels of fine particle pollution in the air are associated with brain shrinkage patterns that are common in Alzheimer’s.

WaSH deficiencies identified in response to COVID-19 require urgent attention

October 19, 2020
A recent review that features work from the UNC Water Institute has shown that deficiencies in water, sanitation and hygiene (WaSH) strategies are limiting our ability to fight the pandemic.

Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam will make managing droughts more complicated

October 16, 2020
Near-term concerns about the impact the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam will have on water availability for Egypt and Sudan are unlikely to materialize, but drought preparedness will require careful coordination, suggests research published by researchers from five major universities.

Understanding how cirrus clouds form can improve climate change modeling

October 8, 2020
New research has found that trees and plants play an important role in the formation of cirrus clouds. This finding that has implications for agriculture, urban development and climate change modeling.

Styblo, Koller develop novel humanized mouse model with implications for studying arsenic exposure in humans

September 29, 2020
A new humanized mouse model represents pioneering work in the field of toxicology, paving the way for scientists around the globe to more accurately predict arsenic toxicity in humans.

New study links particulate matter pollution to brain damage, depression

September 1, 2020
Recent research by a team that included Drs. William Vizuete and Marc Serre adds to mounting evidence that long-term exposure to particulate matter pollution contributes to memory loss and may accelerate aging of the brain, especially later in life.

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