Undergraduate Forms

FormDescription and Deadline
Additional Semester PetitionStudents that require more than 8 semesters (Fall and Spring) to complete degree requirements. Does not include summer sessions.
Add/DropFor use after the last day to add or drop a course in ConnectCarolina
Post Semester Add DropFor use after the last day of classes in a semester
BIOS 600 ExemptionComplete form to request exemption from BIOS 600
EPID 600 ExemptionComplete form to request exemption from EPID 600
Declaration of MinorComplete prior to final semester
Declaring a Second MajorShould be submitted during junior year
Exam Excuse RequestSubmit before exams start. Deadline listed on form
Inter-Institutional ProgramWith approval, full-time students can registrar for courses at one of the listed universities. Should be submitted prior to the beginning of the semester.
Overload RequestSubmit prior to the start of the semester.
Return to Carolina ProcessFor students returning from leave or semester away.
Underload RequestFor students that need to take less than 12 credits. Submit before the semester starts

Graduate Forms

FormDescription and Deadline
Add DropFor use after the last day of classes in a semester in ConnectCarolina
Post Semester Add DropFor use after the last day of classes in a semester
Minor Declaration FormTo request a Minor field of study be recorded on transcript Electing a Minor policy (masters students) or Electing a Minor policy (doctoral students).
Transfer CreditTo request transfer of academic credit earned at a previous institution, or at this institution.  Transferring Course Credit policy
SPHG 600 ExemptionComplete form to request exemption from SPHG 600
SPHG 711 ExemptionComplete form to request exemption from SPHG 711
SPHG 712 ExemptionComplete form to request exemption from SPHG 712
BIOS 600 ExemptionComplete form to request exemption from BIOS 600
EPID 600 ExemptionComplete form to request exemption from EPID 600
Independent Study AgreementForm to complete with instructor outlining terms of Independent Study course
Inter-Institutional ProgramWith approval, full-time students can registrar for courses at one of the listed universities. Should be submitted prior to the beginning of the semester.
Incomplete FormComplete to request grade of IN for a course
Change Concentration RequestMPH students may submit a petition to change concentrations. Must be submitted by the following deadlines:
June 1 – Fall Term,
November 1 - Spring Term
April 1 - Summer Term
Master’s Comprehensive Exam ReportTo report results of comprehensive exam
Report of Substitute For a Master’s ThesisTo report satisfaction of an approved substitute for the master's thesis.
Doctoral Exam ReportTo report results of written, oral, and final examinations (defense).
Program Certificate of Degree Requirements (PCDR)Form used to indicate that the student has met all program requirement.  See Program Requirements policy (masters students) or Program Requirements policy (doctoral students)
Doctoral Committee Composition ReportComplete Part I to report committee members.
Approved Dissertation ProjectComplete Part II to report approval and title of dissertation project.
Leave of Absence RequestTo request a formal leave of absence. See Leave of Absence policy (masters students) or Leave of Absence policy (doctoral students).
Recommendation to ProceedCompleted and submitted to the Graduate School for students who initially enrolled at the master's level and who, upon satisfaction of all requirements for the master's degree, have been given permission to proceed to the doctoral level. See Permission to Proceed policy.
Recommendation to Bypass Master’s DegreeCompleted and submitted to the Graduate School for students who initially enrolled at the master's level and who, upon satisfactory evaluation, have been given permission to bypass the master's degree and proceed to the doctoral level. See Bypass the Master's Degree policy.
Reinstatement RequestTo request reinstatement to the Graduate School after having been declared academically ineligible to proceed. See Reinstatement policy.
Request for Extension of TimeTo request an extension of time for completion of degree or removal of IN/AB grade. See Extension of Time Limit policy
Readmission ApplicationTo re-enter a graduate program after being away. Must be submitted by the following deadlines:

Fall - July 1
Spring - December 1
Summer Session I - April 1
Summer Session II - June 1
Contact: Student Affairs

Contact: Career Services

135 Dauer Drive
263 Rosenau Hall, CB #7400
Chapel Hill, NC 27599-7400
(919) 966-2499