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Message from the Director

Rebecca Fry, PhD

Carol Remmer Angle Distinguished Professor

We are working to transform our vision into reality. Our mission is "to optimize the health of the most vulnerable populations in North Carolina and beyond and provide innovative solutions to promote health."

Public Health Mission: To reduce the burden of environmentally-influenced disease in North Carolina, the U.S., and abroad and identify factors related to environmental health resilience.
Carolina-focused Mission: To enhance team science at UNC-Chapel Hill and promote competitiveness for increased grant funding across the school.

Environmentally-driven disease is influenced by various complex factors including exposure to environmental toxicants, individual differences in genetic and epigenetic susceptibility, and nutrition. Given this we see two major gaps in environmental health science: the ability to identify those most at risk for disease susceptibility, and a lack of innovative solutions to prevent disease and promote health.

Using a multi-disciplinary scientific strategy to address these gaps, the Institute will:

  • Identify those most at risk for disease susceptibility using data-driven strategies
  • Develop innovative solutions to prevent disease and promote health using state-of-the-art science that span the use of cell culture, mouse models and human populations
  • Launch the science forward including -Omics technologies (e.g. transcriptomics, proteomics, epigenomics) that are critical for environmental health science
  • Improve exposure intervention using strategic environmental engineering approaches
Director: Rebecca Fry, PhD
Program Manager: Lauren Eaves, PhD

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Featured Events

September 27
11:00 am
12:30 pm
29th National Health Equity Research Webcast
November 11
All Day
Biostatistics 75th Anniversary Conference and Celebration