The Sidney Kark Award for Distinguished Teaching Assistant, named after one of the founders of the Department, was established in 1992 to honor students who show an outstanding commitment to teaching through their performance as Teaching Assistants. Many epidemiology students serve well in this capacity, and the award is intended to honor them by recognizing one who is selected as outstanding in her/his ability to relate to students, adeptness in communication, and passion for teaching. Consideration is also be given to exceptional/meritorious TA contributions which are outside a particular course, such as participation/leadership in training of other TAs, introducing technological advances in teaching, etc. The award also serves to remind us all of the importance of teaching in the mission of the School of Public Health.

Nominate a Teaching Assistant

For general questions about the department, the degree program, or admissions, contact us via email at or call us at (919) 966-7430. Questions about employment should be directed to (919) 966-7460.

Main Department Contacts

Academic Coordinators

Mailing Address
Department of Epidemiology
UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health
135 Dauer Drive
2101 McGavran-Greenberg Hall, CB #7435
Chapel Hill, NC 27599-7435

Our offices are located on the second floor of McGavran-Greenberg Hall.