Facilitating Environmental Exposure Research
We are a National Institute of Health Environmental Health Sciences Core Center. The UNC Center for Environmental Health and Susceptibility (CEHS) facilitates collaborations by funding university infrastructure to support scientific equipment, facilities, and other resources that can be shared among environmental health researchers. By pursuing shared research questions, CEHS can identify emerging issues that advance understanding about how pollutants and other environmental factors affect human biology and may lead to disease. The Center is funded through a P-30 grant from the National Institutes of Environmental Health Sciences.

Message from the Director

Melissa Troester, PhD

Director and Professor

"The Center for Environmental Health and Susceptibility (CEHS) is part of one of the most critical public health efforts in history, investigating environmental exposures and their effects on human health."


CEHS Director: Dr. Melissa Troester
Funding provided by NIEHS Grant # P30 ES010126

135 Dauer Drive
253 Rosenau Hall
CB # 7432
Chapel Hill 27599-7432