Recent Publications involving personnel from the Center on Financial Risk in Environmental Systems, with superscripts denoting graduate students (M = masters; D = doctoral) and Post-doctoral Researchers (P) or Researchers (R)) working in the Center.
Haley, M.M, Gorelick, D. E.P, Characklis, G. W., Kleiman, R., Homer, J. and K. Oikonomou. “Improving Resiliency for Large-scale Water Suppliers facing Drought-related Financial Risk,” IEEE Xplore (in review).
Zeff, H. B.R, Hadjimichael, A., Reed, P. M. and G. W. Characklis, “Using financial contracts to facilitate informal leases within a Western United States water market based on prior appropriation,” Earth’s Future (in review)
Gold, D. F., Reed, P. M., Gorelick, D. E.P and G. W. Characklis, “Advancing regional water supply management and infrastructure investment pathways that are equitable, robust, adaptive and cooperatively stable,” Water Resources Research (in review)
Thomson, H.M, Zeff, H. B.R, Kleiman, R.M, Sebastian, A. and G. W. Characklis (2023). “Systemic financial risk arising from residential flood losses,” Earth’s Future, 11 (4), e2022EF003206,
Gorelick, D. E.P, Gold, D. F., Asefa, T., Svrdlin, S., Wang, H., Wanakule, N., Reed, P. M. and G. W. Characklis (2023). “Water supply infrastructure investment requires adaptive financial assessment: an enhanced exploratory modeling framework to evaluate coupled financial and water supply dynamics,” Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 149(3), 04022084. DOI:10.1061/JWRMD5.WRENG-5863.
Fernandez-Bou, A. S., Rodríguez-Flores, J. M., Guzman, A., Ortiz-Partida, J. P., Classen-Rodriguez, L. P., Sánchez-Pérez, P. A., Valero-Fandiño, J., Pells, C., Flores‑Landeros, H., Sandoval-Solís, S., Characklis, G. W., Harmon, T. C., McCullough, M. and J. Medellín-Azuara (2023). “Water, environment, and socioeconomic justice in California: a multi‑benefit framework,” Science of the Total Environment, 858, 159963,
Gorelick, D. E.P, Gold, D. F., Reed, P. M. and G. W. Characklis (2023). “Designing water utility cooperative agreements: Lessons learned in North Carolina,” Journal of the American Water Works Association, 115(1), pp. 32-40.
Kleiman, R.M, Characklis, G. W. and J. D. Kern (2022). “Managing Weather- and Market Price-related Financial Risks in Algal Biofuel Production,” Renewable Energy, 200, 111-124,
Denaro, S.P, Cuppari, R. I.D, Kern, J. D., Su, Y.D and G. W. Characklis (2022). “Assessing the Bonneville Power Administration’s Financial Risk Management Strategies,” Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 148(10), 05022006, DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)WR.1943-5452.0001590
Gorelick, D. E.D, Gold, D. F., Reed, P. M. and G. W. Characklis (2022), “Impact of inter-utility agreements on cooperative regional water infrastructure investment and management pathways,” Water Resources Research, 58, e2021WR030700, https://doi. org/10.1029/2021WR030700
Su, Y.D, Kern, J. D. and G. W. Characklis (2022), “The Effects of Retail Load Defection on a Major Electric Utility’s Exposure to Weather Risk,” Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 148(3),
Hamilton, A. H.D, Zeff, H. B.R, Characklis, G. W. and P. M. Reed (2022). “Resilient California water portfolios require infrastructure investment partnerships that are viable for all partners,” Earth’s Future, e2021EF002573
Gold, D. F., Reed, P. M., Gorelick, D. E.D, and G. W. Characklis (2022). “Power and Pathways: Exploring robustness, cooperative stability and power relationships in regional infrastructure investment and water supply management portfolio pathways,” Earth’s Future, 10, e2021EF002472,
Bales, J., Bhaskar, A., Characklis, G., Flores, A., Gilmore, T., Gomez-Velez, J., Grant, G., Jefferson, A., Khan, S., Ledford, S., Loheide, S., Miller, G., Mishra, A., Nolin, A., VanBriesen, J., Ward, A., Zarnetske, J. and M. Zimmer (2022). “COVID-19 Impacts Highlight the Need for Holistic Evaluation of Research and in the Hydrologic Sciences,” Water Resources Research,
Hamilton, A. L.D, Characklis, G. W. and P. M. Reed (2022). “From Stream Flows to Cash Flows: Leveraging Evolutionary Multi-Objective Direct Policy Search to Manage Hydrologic Financial Risks,” Water Resources Research, 58, e2021WR029747,
Hill, J.M, Kern, J. D. Rupp, D. E., Voisin, N. and G. W. Characklis (2021). “The Effects of Climate Change on Interregional Electricity Market Dynamics on the U.S. West Coast,” Earth’s Future, 9, e2021EF002400,
Vicuna, S., Ricalde, I., Melo, O., Tomlinson, J., Harou, J. J. and G. W. Characklis (2021). “Assessing Tradeoffs on the Design of Climate Change Adaptation Strategies for Water Utilities,” Journal of Environmental Management,
Kleiman, R.M, Characklis, G. W., Kern, J. D. and R. Gerlach (2021). “Characterizing Weather-related Biophysical and Financial Risk in Algal Biofuel Production,” Applied Energy, 294, 116960,
Zeff, H. B.P, Hamilton, A. L.D, Malek, K., Herman, J. D., Cohen, J. S., Medellin-Azuara, J., Reed, P. M. and G. W. Characklis (2021). “California’s Food-Energy-Water System: An Open-Source Simulation Model of Adaptive Surface and Groundwater Management in the Central Valley,” Environmental Modelling and Software, 141, 105052
Cuppari, R., I.M, Higgins, C. W. and Characklis, G. W. (2021). “Financial Analysis of Co-locating Agricultural Production and Solar Power Generation,” Applied Energy, 291, 116809,
Malek, K., Reed, P., Zeff, H. B.R, Hamilton, A. L.D, Wrzesien, M., Holtzman, N. Steinschneider, S. Herman, J., & Pavelsky, T. (2021) “Bias correction of hydrologic projections strongly impacts inferred climate vulnerabilities in institutionally complex water systems.” Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, Volume 148, Issue 1,
Hamilton, A. L.D, Characklis, G. W. and P. M. Reed (2020). “Managing financial risk tradeoffs for hydropower generation using snowpack-based index contracts,” Water Resources Research, 56(10), e2020WR027212. DOI:10.1029/2020WR027212.
Gupta, R. S., Hamilton, A. L.D, Reed, P. M. and G. W. Characklis (2020). “Can Modern Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithms Discover High-Dimensional Financial Risk Portfolio Tradeoffs for Snow-Dominated Water-Energy Systems?”, Advances in Water Resources, 145, 103718. DOI:10.1016/j.advwatres.2020.103718.
Su, Y. D, Kern, J. D., Reed, P. M. and G. W. Characklis. (2020). “Compound Hydrometeorological Extremes Acting Across Multiple Timescales Drive Volatility in California Electricity Market Prices and Emissions,” Applied Energy, 276. doi:
Trindade, B., Reed, P. M., Gold, D. F., Zeff, H. B.P and G. W. Characklis (2020). “Water Pathways: An open source stochastic simulation framework for water supply portfolio management and infrastructure investments,” Environmental Modelling and Software, 104772, doi:
Denaro, S.P, Castelletti, A., Giuliani, M. and G. W. Characklis (2020). “Insurance portfolio diversification through bundling for competing agents exposed to uncorrelated drought and flood risks,” Water Resources Research, 56, e2019WR026443.
Zeff, H. B.P, Characklis, G. W. and W. N. Thurman (2020). “How do price surcharges impact water utility incentives to pursue alternative supplies during drought,” Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 146(6),
Meyer, E. S.D, Foster, B. F.D, Characklis, G. W., Brown, C. M. and A. J. Yates (2020). “Integrating physical and financial approaches to manage environmental financial risk on the Great Lakes,” Water Resources Research, 56, e2019WR024853,
Su, Y. D, Kern, J. D., Denaro, S. P, Hill, J. M, Reed, P. M. Sun, Y., Cohen, J. and G. W. Characklis (2020). “An open source model for quantifying risks in bulk electric power systems from spatially and temporally correlated hydrometeorological processes,” Environmental Modelling and Software, 126,
Baum, R.D and G. W. Characklis (2020). “Mitigating drought-related financial risks for water utilities via integration of risk pooling and reinsurance,” Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 146(6): 05020007,
Gorelick, D. E.D, Lin, L., Zeff, H. B.P, Kim, Y., Vose, J. M., Coulston, J. W., Wear, D. N., Band, L. E., Reed, P. M. and G. W. Characklis (2019). “Accounting for adaptive water supply management when quantifying climate and landcover change vulnerability,” Water Resources Research, 56, e2019WR025614,
Gold, D. F., Reed, P. M., Trindade, B. C. and G. W. Characklis (2019). “Conflicts in Coalitions: Navigating multi-city robustness conflicts to discover cooperative safe operating spaces for regional water supply portfolios,” Water Resources Research, 55, pp. 9024–9050,
Trindade, B., Reed, P. M. and G. W. Characklis (2019). “Deeply Uncertain Pathways: Integrated Multi-City Regional Water Supply Infrastructure Investment and Portfolio Management,” Advances in Water Resources, 134, 103442,
Gorelick, D. E.D, Zeff, H. B.P, Hughes, J., Eskaf, S. and G. W. Characklis (2019). “Benefits and tradeoffs of cooperation: exploring the relative merits of treatment and capacity sharing agreements between water utilities,” Journal of the American Water Works Association, 111(9), pp 26-40.
Zeff, H. B.P, Kaczan, D., Characklis, G. W., Jeuland, M. and B. Murray (2019). “The potential benefits of groundwater trading and reformed water rights in the Diamond Valley, Nevada,” Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 145(6),
Kern, J. D.R, Gorelick, D. E.D, Characklis, G. W. and C. M. Macklin (2018). “Multi-Objective Optimal Siting of Algal Biofuel Production with Municipal Wastewater Treatment in Watersheds with Nutrient Trading Markets,” Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management,
Gorelick, D. E.M, Zeff, H. B.P, Characklis, G. W. and P. M. Reed (2018). “Integrating raw water transfers into an Eastern United States management context,” Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 144 (9),
Baum R.D, Characklis, G. W. and M. L. Serre (2018). “Effects of Geographic Diversification on Risk Pooling to Mitigate Drought-Related Financial Losses for Water Utilities,” Water Resources Research, 54,
Mozenter, Z. D., Yates, A. J., Schnier, K. A., Hughes, J. A. and G. W. Characklis. (2018) “Understanding Water Utility Attitudes Toward Water Transfers and Risk: Pretest Results,” Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)WR.1943-5452.0000895
Baum, R.D, Characklis, G.W., and M. L.Serre. (2018) “Effects of Geographic Diversification on Risk Pooling to Mitigate Drought-Related Financial Losses for Water Utilities,” Water Resources Research,
Denaro, S., Castelletti, A., Giuliani, M. and G. W. Characklis. (2017) “Fostering Cooperation in Power Asymmetrical Water Systems by Use of Direct Release Rules and Indexbased Insurance Schemes,” Advances in Water Resources,
Kern, J. D.R and G. W. Characklis. “Evaluating the Physical and Financial Vulnerability of Power Systems to Drought Under Climate Uncertainty and an Evolving Generation Mix,” Environmental Science & Technology, 51, pp. 8815-8823, doi:10.1021/acs.est.6b05460.
Trindade, B. C., Reed, P. M., Herman, J. D., Zeff, H. B.D and G. W. Characklis (2017). “Reducing Regional Drought Vulnerabilities and Multi-City Robustness Conflicts Using Many-Objective Optimization Under Deep Uncertainty,” Advances in Water Resources, 104, pp. 195-209, doi: 10.1016/j.advwatres.2017.03.023.
Su, Y.M, Kern, J. D.R and G. W. Characklis (2017). “The Impact of Wind Power Growth and Hydrological Uncertainty on Financial Losses from Oversupply Events in Hydropower-dominated Systems,” Applied Energy, 194, pp. 172-183, doi:10.1016/j.apenergy.2017.02.067.
Meyer, E. S.D, Characklis, G. W. and C. M. Brown (2017). “Evaluating Financial Risk Management Strategies Under Climate Change for Hydropower Producers on the Great Lakes,” Water Resources Research, 53, doi:10.1002/2016WR019889.
Kern, J. D.R, Hise, A. M.M, Characklis, G. W., Gerlach, R., Viamajala, S. and R. D. Gardner (2016). “Using Life-Cycle Assessment and Techno-Economic Analysis in a Real Options Framework to Inform the Design of Algal Biofuel Production Facilities,” Bioresource Technology, 225,
Kern, J. D.P and G. W. Characklis (2016). “Horizontal Hydraulic Fracturing, Low Natural Gas Prices and the Financial Cost of Ramp Rate Restrictions at Hydroelectric Dams,” Energy Economics, 61,
Zeff, H. B.D, , Herman, J. D., Reed, P. M. and G. W. Characklis (2016). “Cooperative Drought Adaptation: Integrating Infrastructure Development, Conservation and Water Transfers into Adaptive Policy Pathways,” Water Resources Research, 52, doi:10.1002/2016WR018771.
Herman, J. D., Zeff, H. B.D, Lamontagne, J. R., Reed, P. M. and Characklis, G.W. (2016). “Synthetic Drought Scenario Generation to Support Bottom-Up Water Supply Vulnerability Assessments,” Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)WR.1943-5452.0000701.
Hise, A. M.M, Characklis, G. W., Kern, J. D.P, Gerlach, R., Viamajala, S., Gardner, R. D. and A. Vadlamani (2016). “Evaluating the Relative Impacts of Operational and Financial Factors on the Competitiveness of an Algal Biofuel Production Facility,” Bioresource Technology, 220, pp. 271-281. doi:10.1016/j.biortech.2016.08.050.
Meyer, E. S.D, Characklis, G. W., Brown, C. M. and P. Moody (2016). “Hedging the Financial Risk from Water Scarcity for Great Lakes Shipping,” Water Resources Research, 52, pp. 227-245, doi:10.1002/2015WR017855.
Brown, C. M., Lund, J. R., Cai, X., Reed, P. M., Zagona, E. A., Ostfeld, A., Hall, J. W., Characklis, G. W., Yu, W. and L. Brekke (2015). “The Future of Water Resource Systems Analysis: Toward a Scientific Framework for Sustainable Water Management,” Water Resources Research, 51, doi:10.1002/2015WR017114.
Foster, B. F.M, Kern, J. D.P and G. W. Characklis (2015). “Mitigating Hydrologic Financial Risk in Hydropower Generation Using Index-Based Financial Instruments,” Water Resources and Economics, 10, pp. 45-67, doi:10.1016/j.wre.2015.04.001.
Kern, J. D.D, Characklis, G. W. and B. F. Foster M (2015) “Natural Gas Price Uncertainty and the Cost Effectiveness of Hedging Against Low Hydropower Revenues Caused by Drought,” Water Resources Research, 51, doi:10.1002/2014WR016533.
Herman, J. D., Reed, P. M., Zeff, H. B.D and G. W. Characklis (2015). “How Should Robustness be Defined for Water Systems Planning Under Change,” Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 10.1061/(ASCE)WR.1943-5452.0000509, 04015012.
Herman, J. D., Zeff, H. B.D , Reed, P. M. and G. W. Characklis (2014). “Beyond Optimality: Multi-Stakeholder Robustness Tradeoffs for Regional Water Portfolio Planning Under Uncertainty,” Water Resources Research, doi:10.1002/2014WR015338
Kern, J. D.D., Patino-Echeverri, D. and G. W. Characklis (2014). “The Impacts of Wind Power Integration on Sub-Daily Variation in River Flows Downstream of Hydroelectric Dams,” Environmental Science & Technology, doi:10.1021/es405437h.
Zeff, H.B.D, Kasprzyk, J. R., Herman, J. D., Reed, P. M. and G. W. Characklis (2014). “Navigating Financial and Supply Reliability Tradeoffs in Regional Drought Portfolios,” Water Resources Research, 50, doi:10.1002/2013WR015126.
Kern, J. D.D, Patino-Echeverri, D. and G. W. Characklis (2014). “An Integrated Reservoir Power System Model for Evaluating the Impacts of Wind Integration on Hydropower Resources,” Renewable Energy, 71, pp. 553-562.
Caldwell, C.M . and G. W. Characklis (2014). “Impact of Contract Structure and Risk Aversion on Inter-utility Water Transfer Agreements,” Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 140(1), pp. 100-111.