Vickers works to improve world's access to clean water

November 2, 2021
Royster Fellow and UNC Gillings doctoral student Riley Vickers is bringing his distinct expertise to a multidisciplinary team working to improve the world’s access to clean water.

Decarbonization strategies need broader consideration, coordination of energy technologies

October 20, 2021
Deep decarbonization strategies require broad approaches that provide complementary solutions for energy needs across multiple sectors, including electricity, transportation, agriculture, health and manufacturing. Dr. Noah Kittner is lead author on a new commentary that calls for researchers to work together to solve these interdisciplinary challenges.

New research sheds light on microbial link between gut and brain in mammals

October 20, 2021
Microbes in the mammalian gut appear to play a major factor in the landscape of chemical processes in the body and may influence communication between the gut and the brain, according to new research from the lab of Dr. Kun Lu.

Human, swine waste pose dual threats to water quality after flooding

September 9, 2021
Scientists found several species of bacteria in floodwaters left behind by 2018’s Hurricane Florence, according to a new study from researchers at UNC-Chapel Hill and North Carolina State University.

Two Gillings leaders advance research on innovative solutions to public health challenges

August 24, 2021
Drs. Mark Sobsey and Steven Meshnick were two early recipients of Gillings Innovation Lab awards that proposed public health improvements to global communities and provided instrumental mentorship to students and faculty at UNC and the Gillings School today.

PFAS Testing Network releases final report, shares scientific recommendations for NC

August 10, 2021
PFAS — short for per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances — are found in many common products and have been linked to negative health effects in animals, but their health effects in humans are largely unknown. In an effort to shed light on this concerning scientific question, researchers with the PFAS Testing (PFAST) Network have submitted a comprehensive report and accompanying recommendations to the North Carolina General Assembly.

What is sanitation’s role in prevention of intestinal disease in children?

July 19, 2021
A team of environmental health experts proposed a radical improvement in sanitation for informal communities in Maputo, Mozambique, in an effort to reduce intestinal infections in young children. They found, however, that the risk of infection is so high that sanitation improvements alone may not be enough to significantly improve health.

Well-researched investment in renewable energy can improve global equity

July 6, 2021
In many low- and lower middle-income countries, great natural wealth contrasts with a desire for economic development. In two recent publications, Dr. Noah Kittner explores the ideal balance of wind, solar and hydropower in Myanmar and discusses financial compensation for solar energy generation in the Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam.

Predicting potential pitfalls of battery-driven power systems

May 14, 2021
Batteries could be critical in the transition to clean energy, but the same characteristics that make them attractive could enable users to exploit the electric power system for private profit while increasing overall costs and making grid management more difficult.

Manga and team upending understanding of safe sanitation

April 8, 2021
Dr. Musa Manga is working with the Water Institute to investigate how human waste is returned to the environment in Tamil Nadu, India. Early results are upending much of what we thought we knew about safe sanitation practices.

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