Obtaining a graduate degree is an exciting time in your professional journey as you are pursuing your academic and career goals. We are glad that you have decided to join our graduate student family. Please follow the checklist below to help you make the transition to being a student at UNC easier.
Academic Checklist
- Review the UNC Graduate School’s Information for Newly Admitted Students to learn about “what to do upon admission,” “what to do before your program begins,” and “what to do by the first week of classes.”
- Review your MPH Concentration Academic Plan of Study
- Applied Epidemiology
- Environmental Health Solutions
- Global Health
- Health Behavior
- Health Equity, Social Justice and Human Rights
- Health Policy
- Leadership in Practice
- Maternal, Child and Family Health
- Nutrition
- Nutrition with Registered Dietitian training
- Population Health for Clinicians
- Public Health Data Science
- Plan your class schedule and register for classes – Do not worry! Seats are being held in your classes.
- Register for your MPH Core Courses!
- Fall semester: SPHG 711, SPHG 712, and SPHG 713
- Spring semester: SPHG 721 and SPHG 722
- Please note that core course sections 973 are for online students in our MPH@UNC degree only and core course sections 02W are for MPH students in our Asheville MPH degree only (Chapel Hill residential MPH students should register for all other sections)
- Review the UNC Graduate School Transfer Credit Policy. If you have taken graduate coursework elsewhere, please discuss transfer credit opportunities with your designated Academic Coordinator.
- MPH core course exemptions are available for eligible students in SPHG 711 and SPHG 712. Please review and discuss with your designated Academic Coordinator, and submit prior to the start of the semester.
- Become familiar with university policies and practices via the Graduate School Handbook.
- Understand the University Academic Calendar including add/drop, withdrawal and refund dates.
- Review student parking and transportation information.
- Review the UNC Off-Campus Housing and Community Living website and resources.
- Contact the University Office of Accessibility Resources and Service to discuss appropriate accommodations and resources/services as they relate to academics, residences, dining and co and extra-curricular campus activities.
- Review the University Honor Code: This commitment to academic integrity, ethical behavior, personal responsibility and civil discourse exemplifies the “Carolina Way”, and this commitment is codified in both the University’s Honor Code and in other University student conduct-related policies.
MPH Student Orientation
Be sure to attend the Gillings School MPH New Student Orientation and Schoolwide Welcome (More Details for 2021 Events Coming Soon) where you will receive additional academic advising and related materials. We are committed to providing quality academic advising and mentoring for all students. Each semester you will have the opportunity to participate in individual and cohort advising sessions to discuss information that is relevant to course planning and registration, in addition to faculty mentoring that provides you with tailored support for your academic, professional, personal development and practicum.