Obtaining a graduate degree is an exciting time in your professional journey as you are pursuing your academic and career goals. We are glad that you have decided to join our graduate student family. Please follow the checklist below to help you make the transition to being a student at UNC easier.

Academic Checklist

MPH Student Orientation

Be sure to attend the Gillings School MPH New Student Orientation and Schoolwide Welcome (More Details for 2021 Events Coming Soon) where you will receive additional academic advising and related materials. We are committed to providing quality academic advising and mentoring for all students. Each semester you will have the opportunity to participate in individual and cohort advising sessions to discuss information that is relevant to course planning and registration, in addition to faculty mentoring that provides you with tailored support for your academic, professional, personal development and practicum.

Contact: Student Affairs

Contact: Career Services

135 Dauer Drive
263 Rosenau Hall, CB #7400
Chapel Hill, NC 27599-7400
(919) 966-2499