About the MPH Comprehensive Exam

The MPH Comprehensive Exam is designed to evaluate students’ ability to apply foundational public health knowledge and skills developed in the MPH Core courses to novel contexts, problems and populations. It also is designed to further the development of students’ integrative and critical thinking skills. The Comprehensive Exam (and the preparation for it) also provides students with the opportunity to practice and demonstrate skills communicating about public health issues and solutions with colleagues, other stakeholders and the general public.

What does the MPH Comprehensive Exam cover?
The Comprehensive Exam will cover the knowledge and skills developed from taking the following required MPH Core courses:

  • SPHG 711 – Data Analysis for Public Health
  • SPHG 712 – Measurements & Methods for Public Health Practice
  • SPHG 713 – Systems Approaches to Understanding Public Health Issues
  • SPHG 721 – Public Health Solutions: Systems, Policy and Advocacy
  • SPHG 722 – Developing, Implementing, and Evaluating Public Health Solutions

Population Health for Clinician students will reference the knowledge and skills developed the below courses:

  • PUBH 890: Health System Functions & Key Challenges
  • PUBH 746: Public Health Program Planning, Implementation & Evaluation
  • PUBH 706: Advanced Health Policy for Clinicians
  • PUBH 749: Leadership & Professional Development

Who takes the MPH Comprehensive Exam?
All MPH degree students—residential, online (MPH@UNC) and distance (Asheville) must take the exam.

Students that have a current Incomplete grade in mph course(s) are not eligible to sit for the exam.

Effective As Of Fall 2022

What is the format of the MPH Comprehensive Exam?
The MPH Comprehensive Exam will be submitted in writing via Canvas. Each student will receive two randomly assigned primary questions pertaining to the health topic of their group project. Student responses must not exceed 200-words per question. Students will have till the 11:59PM EST on the due date of the SPHG 722 final to complete the assignment. If a student needs accommodations related to the due date, please contact the teaching faculty.


What is the Comprehensive Exam?

The MPH Comprehensive Exam (here, aka “Comprehensive Exam’, “Comp Exam”, “comps”, “exam”) is a required milestone for the Gillings MPH degree awarded by the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. The Comprehensive Exam is designed to evaluate students’ ability to apply foundational public health knowledge and skills developed in the MPH Core courses to novel contexts, problems and populations. The exam is designed to further the development of students’ integrative and critical thinking skills. The exam (and the preparation for it) also provides students with the opportunity to practice and demonstrate skills communicating about public health issues and solutions with colleagues, other stakeholders and the general public.

The Comprehensive Exam will cover the knowledge and skills developed from taking the following required Core MPH courses:

  • SPHG 711 – Data Analysis for Public Health
  • SPHG 712 – Measurements & Methods for Public Health Practice
  • SPHG 713 – Systems Approaches to Understanding Public Health Issues
  • SPHG 721 – Public Health Solutions: Systems, Policy & Advocacy
  • SPHG 722 – Developing, Implementing, and Evaluating Public Health Solutions

Who takes the Comp Exam?

All MPH  degree students—residential, online (MPH@UNC) and distance (Asheville) must take the exam.

How do students sign up to take the exam?

There is no longer a need to sign up for an individual timeslot for the comprehensive exam. Students will automatically complete the exam at the end of the SPHG 722 course. Population Health for Clinician students will complete the exam at the end of the PUBH 746 course.

Is there a fee to take the exam?

There is no fee to take the exam.

How often will the exam be offered?

The Comp Exam will be administered for all students in SPHG 722, except for Population Health for Clinician students. PHC students will have their exam administered in PUBH 746. All students must have completed SPHG 711, 712, 713 and 721 prior to sitting for the exam. PHC students must have completed PUBH 706, 746, 749, and 890 prior to sitting for the exam.

Students with an Incomplete Grade in any of the above courses cannot sit for the exam.

Why was the decision made to hold a Gillings-specific exam instead of the national Certified in Public Health (CPH) Exam that some MPH programs require?

We gave this a lot of consideration. Most importantly, the cost was a barrier for students and the School. Each student would have been charged $385 to take the exam. If the student had to retake the exam, they would have to pay another $385. Also, we concluded the CPH exam did not reflect the integrated nature of our MPH Core program, nor could we ensure that it reflected all the changes to the Council on Education in Public Health (CEPH) competencies. The Gillings MPH Comprehensive Exam is based on the integrated MPH Core curriculum, and there is no fee.


What is the format for the day of the exam?

The MPH Comprehensive Exam will be submitted in writing via Canvas. Each student will receive two randomly assigned primary questions pertaining to the health topic of their group project. Student responses must not exceed 200-words per question. Students will have till the 11:59PM EST on the due date of the SPHG 722 (PUBH 746 for PHC students) final to complete the assignment. If a student needs accommodations related to the due date, please contact the teaching faculty. Students are responsible for uploading all exam documents in their entirety by the deadline. Faculty will not review any documents after the due date of the exam. If students do not turn in exam by the deadline, they will fail the exam and retake it at the next offering of the exam.

Students will be contacted by their respective MPH Program Coordinator numerous times in the term to provide the timeline of the examination, notification of primary question availability, reminder of the upcoming submission deadline, and when grades are available.

What are the 6 primary questions and when will we receive them?

The 6 Primary Questions will be available via the MPH Comp Exam canvas site 21 days prior to the exam being due. Students should prepare responses to all 6 questions as students will be randomly assigned two questions to answer. Students should prepare responses to all 6 questions as students will be randomly assigned two questions to answer.

Students will be informed of their 2 questions 14 days prior to their exam being due.

How many questions do I have to answer?

Each student will be randomly assigned two questions to answer.

Is there a word limit to my written responses?

Yes. The word limit is 200 words per question. This does not include citations.

What topic will be utilized for answering the questions?

You will use the health topic from your team project to respond to the questions. However, knowledge gained from other MPH Cores can be incorporated into your written responses to the comp questions.

How should students organize their response to the questions?

Students should be sure to answer each component of the question and answer them in the order in which they are listed in the question. Students should try to use topic sentences to indicate which component of the question they are answering. 

Can we work on our short answer responses and have the ability to save our work and come back on Canvas?

Yes, you can prepare your answers in advance, if you want, then submit via Canvas when notified of your two questions. As long as your responses are submitted by the due date you can prepare as much as you want in Canvas and save your progress.

Submissions will not be accepted after the due date. All blank submissions will result in a Fail of the exam.

Should answers to exam questions be for an academic audience, as opposed to a lay audience?

Students should prepare their answers based on their knowledge gained from the completion of the MPH Core courses (Population Health for Clinician students will refer to the knowledge gained in PUBH 706, 746, 749, and 890). The audience for the exam are faculty, colleagues, and others who might ask you for your public health perspective on the topic. These professional colleagues may have expertise that is different from yours, so avoid jargon. When you organize your answers for the primary questions provided before the exam, refer to your course materials and other relevant literature.

How should students cite course and other materials during the exam?

If your response includes a source that should be cited, then yes add reference(s) after your written response. Note: responses must be limited to 200 words per question and the reference will not be included in the word count.

Instead, you might say something as follows:
The World Health Organization, along with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, has described how the COVID-19 is a respiratory virus that is transmitted by droplets.


Can students study together?

Yes, you can discuss the questions and responses with your team and classmates in other teams. The teaching team encourages students to continue to discuss their projects with classmates. We encourage preparing for the exam together. However, your responses must be individual written responses that comply with the UNC Honor Code.

Is this a team assignment?

No, it is an individual assessment. You can discuss as a team but every student has to submit their own answers in their own words in compliance with the UNC Honor Code.

What if my team member and I respond exactly the same to a question because we studied together?

You may study together as a team, but each student must answer the question in their own words. The teaching team will use plagiarism software to confirm that everyone is following this policy, as mandated by the UNC Graduate School and Honor Code.

Will students get the same public health issues to study?

No, students will each utilize the health topic from their group project.

What resources are available to help prepare for the exam?

Students registered to take the exam are given access to the MPH Core courses content. Students are encouraged to look back at the team project experiences from their MPH Core courses to capture the nature and spirit of the Comp Exam.Use of the internet and other sources is permitted. However, students should be able to answer the question without doing any additional research.

  • Residential and distance (Asheville) MPH students will access the MPH Core courses content via Canvas.
  • Population Health for Clinician students will refer to PUBH 706, 746, 749, and 890 courses content via Canvas.
  • Former BSPH (who are current MPH students) and MSPH students also will be given access to the MPH Core courses in Canvas.
  • MPH@UNC students will have Digital Campus access to their MPH Core courses.
  • Students who took the 600-series of courses (BIOS, ENVR, EPID, HBEH, HPM) will be granted access to the following integrated MPH Core courses (SPHG 711, 712, 713, 721, 722) to review these syllabi and posted course materials so that they can refer to these courses along with their 600-series lessons in the preparation of their responses to the primary questions.

Please contact MPHCoordinators@unc.edu if you require access to these course sites.

By when should students expect all MPH Core course resources to be posted on Canvas?

Scores will be posted 30 days after the due date of the exam in the format of Pass or Fail. Any student who does not pass the exam will be contacted by their respective MPH Program Coordinator.

Will students need to do calculations as part of the exam?

Responses should be derived from data, empirical evidence, theory or other concepts taught in the MPH Core courses. Responses should not be based on conjecture.


How will testing accommodations be handled for students with learning and other disabilities or exam modifications needs?

If students need accommodations, they must register through the Equal Opportunity & Compliance office (EOC) and inform the SPHG 722 (PUBH 746 for PHC students) teaching team of their registration.. It is the student’s responsibility to complete registration at least four weeks before the start of the semester in which they will take the exam.

Retake and Remediation

What happens if a student does not pass the Comp Exam?

If a student does not pass the Comprehensive Exam the first time they take it, an individual remediation plan will be developed for each student. By university policy, a reexamination must be done at least 90 days after the initial exam date.

The remediation exam will be in the same format of the original comp exam administration – 2 randomly assigned primary questions and their health topic being the topic of their group project. Students will be added to the latest MPH Comp Exam canvas site for the term in which they remediate.

A student becomes academically ineligible if they fail twice. A student made academically ineligible, under certain conditions, may be reinstated upon petition initiated through the student’s academic program. An appropriate academic plan must be developed.

What do you anticipate the pass/fail percentage to be?

Passing rate averages at 98% each year. If a student has been engaged and participating in the assignments for the team project and understands the material covered in class, they should pass this assignment.

Is it common for students to need to retake the exam?

The goal and intention of the exam is to assess students’ knowledge and ability to speak about and discuss public health topics. It would not be surprising if some students did not pass the exam on the first attempt. If a student does not pass, we will put together a remediation plan to help prepare them to successfully retake the exam.

Do students have to be registered for 1 credit to retake the exam?

Yes, students must be registered in one credit during the semester of their remediation in order to retake the exam.


Who will grade the exam?

Gillings SPHG 722 faculty will grade the exam for all MPH students.

How will grades be determined?

SPHG 722 teaching faculty will follow the same rubric and be trained on grading the exam with the common rubric. Note that the MPH Comprehensive Exam score does not impact the SPHG 722 or PUBH 746 (for PHC) course grade. Students are responsible for uploading all exam documents in their entirety by the deadline. Faculty will not review any documents after the due date of the exam. If students do not turn in their exam by the deadline, they will fail the exam and retake it at the next offering of the exam.

How long do students have to wait to find out whether they passed or failed the exam?

Exam grades are typically posted 30 days after the due date of the exam. The respective MPH Program Coordinator will notify you that the grades have been posted.

Is this part of my SPHG 722 grade?

No. This assessment does not count towards your SPHG 722 grade.(PUBH 746 for PHC students)

Additional Specific Questions

Are Core courses (SPHG 711, 712, 713, 721, 722) content only covered on the exam, or is 701 content also included?

SPHG 701 content will not be included.

For students who completed the old MPH Core courses (BIOS 600, ENVR 600, EPID 600, HBEH 600 and HPM 600), and were exempted from the new MPH Core and still have to take the common Comprehensive Exam, do they have to teach themselves all of the new material?

Similar to the MSPH students who may have completed the old MPH core courses, they will have access to the Canvas sites for the SPHG 711, 712, 713, 721 & 722 to see the competencies addressed and types of assignments covered. Although much of the content from the old core courses may be relevant to the current exam, students may want to review additional materials and specific competencies covered in the new MPH Core.

Additional Information

Have more questions? Email MPHCoordinators@unc.edu with additional questions. They will compile them, bring them to the MPH Comprehensive Exam committee for review and response.

Director, MPH Program
Karla Townley-Tilson, MBA

MPH@UNC (MPH Online) Only:
Program Coordinator, John Sugg

(919) 843-0040