Degree Programs

  • The Bachelor of Science in Community and Global Public Health. The mission of the BSPH program in Community and Global Public Health is to prepare students to work in partnership with local and global communities to identify and address health problems to achieve health equity. The curriculum emphasizes equity-centered and high-impact practices such as team-based learning and experiential education and will offer more specialized training in data-driven community and systems-based public health. Want to learn more? Fill out our Inquiry Form for Undergraduate Programs.
  • The Master of Public Health in Global Health. Designed to train current and aspiring professionals to solve public health problems locally and globally, the Global Health concentration provides students with the knowledge and skills to advance the health and well-being of populations in diverse global settings. The program is for people who are passionate about solving urgent local and global public health problems.
  • The Executive Doctoral Program in Health Leadership prepares mid-to-senior level professionals for top positions in organizations working to improve the public’s health. The three-year, cohort-based distance program confers a DrPH in Health Administration. The Program targets diverse individuals working full-time in the U.S. or internationally with substantial leadership responsibilities in communities, organizations and institutions.

Interested in a graduate degree program? Fill out a Graduate Program Prospective Student Inquiry Form.


The Online Certificate in Global Health strengthens the global health competencies and abilities of healthcare practitioners throughout North Carolina, the nation and the world. It is a formal academic certificate for non-degree-seeking students that examines complexities inherent in improving health on a global scale.


Global and local content is infused across our courses, programs and degrees. Courses listed below have at least 50% of their content is related to global health.

Please note that course listings may change periodically. Refer to ConnectCarolina to confirm course offerings for each semester and for complete course descriptions.

Course #Course TitleCreditsFacultySemesterSkills-Based or Topic-BasedPrerequisites and Requirements
ENVR 525 (Formerly ENVR 682)Water, Sanitation, Hygiene, and Global Health3FisherFallSkills-Based
ENVR 610 (Formerly ENVR 890-005)Global Perspectives on Environmental Health InequalitiesWoodsFall (not Fall 2024)Topic-Based
ENVR 705 (PUBH 705)One Health: Philosophy to Practical3Sackey-HarrisFallTopic-Based
ENVR 755Analysis of Water Resource Systems3CharacklisFallSkills-BasedPermission of the instructor required for nonmajors
HBEH 510Equity, Ethics & Engagement3PolstonFall (not Fall 2024)Topic-Based
HBEH 520Introduction to Global Health3Baron, Maman, VillarrealFall (not Fall 2024)Topic-Based
HBEH 754Advanced Qualitative Methods in Health Behavior and Research3BarringtonFall (not Fall 2024)Skills-BasedPrerequisite HBEH 753 or equivalent.
HBEH 861Global Mental Health3FisherFallTopic-Based
HPM 565 (PLCY 565)Global Health Policy3MeierFallTopic-Based
HPM 715Health Economics for Policy and Management3TemplinFallSkills-Based
MHCH 722Global Maternal Child Health3OngechiFallTopic-Based
MHCH 780Cultural Humility1OngechiFallRequired for Global Health MPH Concentration.
MHCH 785Decolonizing Maternal and Child Health Research: Theory and Qualitative Methods3FallTopic-Based
NURS 625Global and Interprofessional Approaches to Solve Complex Cases3Baker, Nance-FloydFall (not Fall 2022)Skills-Based
NUTR 250Global Sustainable Food SystemsTaillieFall
PLCY 565 (HPM 565)Global Health Policy3MeierFallTopic-Based
PUBH 705 (ENVR 705)One Health: Philosophy to Practical Integration1-3Sackey-Harris, StewartFallTopic-Based
PUBH 711Critical Issues in Global Health3Ahsan, ExcellentFallTopic-BasedRequired for Global Health MPH Concentration.
PUBH 714Introduction to Monitoring and Evaluation of Global Health Programs 3AhsanFallSkills-BasedN/A
SOWO 881Development Theory and Practice in Global Settings3ChowaFallSkills-Based
ANTH 319Global Health3SorensenSpring
ENVR 275/775Global Climate Change: Interdisciplinary Perspectives1WestSpringTopic-BasedPass/Fail Only
ENVR 685Water and Sanitation Planning and Policy in Less Developed Countries3Sinha, WhittingtonSpring (Alternating; 2023)Topic-BasedPermission of instructor required.
ENVR 785 (PLAN 785, PLCY 785)Public Investment Theory3WhittingtonSpring (Alternating; 2025)Skills-BasedPrerequisites: EPID 710 and BIOS 600
ENVR 789International Field Research2TomaroSpringSkills-Based
ENVR 989Environmental Crisis Management3Stuart, Cronk, WoodsSummerSkills-BasedRequired for Global Health MPH Concentration.
EPID 785Environmental Epidemiology3EngelSpring (Alternating; 2026)Topic-Based
GLBL 483HComparative Health SystemsJohnsonSpring (not Spring 2024)See requirements in ConnectCarolina.
HBEH 690Homeless and Public Health1WilsonSpringTopic-Based
HBEH 753Qualitative Methods in Health Behavior3Maman, HillSpringSkills-BasedPrerequisites: HBEH 750 and CITI Human Subjects Training.
HBEH 756Social and Peer Support in Health: An Ecological and Global Perspective3FisherSpringTopic-Based
HBEH 780Program Planning and Proposal Development for Global HealthRosenbergSpringRequired for Global Health MPH Concentration.
HPM 571 (PLCY 570)Health & Human Rights3MeierSpringTopic-Based
MHCH 680Global Sexual and Reproductive Health1SpeizerSpringTopic-Based
MHCH 664Globalization and Health3TBASpringTopic-Based
MHCH 716International Family Planning and Reproductive Health3Curtis, TumlinsonSpring (not Spring 2024)Topic-BasedPermission of instructor for non-majors.
MHCH 723Introduction to Monitoring and Evaluation3Ahsan, Watson-GrantSpringSkills-BasedRequired for MCFH and Global Health MPH Concentrations.
MHCH 729Implementation Science for Global Maternal and Child Health3Peterson, HaidarSpringPrerequisite: MHCH 728 or equivalent course.
MHCH 862Maternal and Child Health Program Evaluation3AngelesSpringSkills-BasedPrerequisites: Knowledge of SAS or STATA, MHCH 713 or equivalent. Permission required for 1st yr doctoral students, non-majors and master’s students.
NUTR 745International Nutrition3AdairFallTopic-Based
PLCY 570 (HPM 571)Health & Human Rights3MeierSpringTopic-Based
PUBH 420/720The Pandemic Course: HIV and COVID1Strauss, HurtSpringTopic-Based
PUBH 710Introduction to Global Health Ethics 1FlemingSpringTopic-BasedRequired for Global Health MPH Concentration.
PUBH 714Monitoring and Evaluation of Global Health Programs3SamandariSummerSkills-Based
PUBH 725AIDS: Principles and Policies1ExcellentSummer I
PUBH 890-001Special Topics in Public Health Leadership Course - Applying Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Leadership in Public Health Practice1ExcellentFallSkills-Based
PUBH 890-002Public Health and Migration: Persistent Discussions and Emerging Issues1Villa TorresSpringTopic-BasedIf interested, please email
ANTH 623Human Disease Ecology3SorensenSpringTopic-Based
NUTRGlobal, Healthy, Sustainable Food SystemsTBDTaillie, Lindsey SmithFallTopic-Based
Global Health Team

135 Dauer Drive
104 Rosenau Hall, CB #7415
Chapel Hill, NC 27599-7415
(919) 843-3945