Global Practice Opportunities
The Gillings School community participates in research and practice around the world. We have a long history of turning research into action and providing service on a global scale to various organizations, institutions and communities. Our partnerships are bidirectional, emanating directly out of research or policy portfolios of faculty or responding to calls for collaboration by our global partners. These engagements also provide real world opportunities for student engagement to get hands-on experience, to cultivate the skills necessary to be leaders in their fields and to make meaningful contributions to advancements in global public health.
HHI builds upon this deep experience, leverages existing partnerships, and creates new ones to support organizations working in humanitarian settings and situations of extreme adversity.
We have sustained partnerships with several global health organizations to offer students global health internships and fellowships.
We are establishing a small number of geographic hubs to increase students’ skills, enhance faculty opportunities and create exchanges for experts from hub countries. Check out the opportunities!
Offered each year, the PHield Trip experience provides an immersive experience for students, faculty and staff to engage with public health partners throughout the community.