The training philosophy of the Institute is based on the recognition that many disciplines and skills are necessary to create the medical, legal, social and behavioral changes necessary for successful optimal infant and young child feeding and care. Therefore, the teaching and training activities of Institute faculty include attention to the following:

  • Advancement of the mother/child dyad as the unit of study in feeding and reproductive health
  • Mentoring for development of future leadership in several disciplines, with emphasis on public health expertise and clinical support
  • Phased development of comprehensive education in infant and young child feeding and care and related maternal issues, serving state, national and global needs through development of curricula for those interested in clinical or public health training tracks
  • Development of interdisciplinary academic-based training approaches, best suited to this comprehensive field of inquiry and action
Phone: (919) 966-3774
Fax: (919) 966-0458
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Carolina Global Breastfeeding Institute
Department of Maternal and Child Health
135 Dauer Drive
422 Rosenau Hall, CB #7445
Chapel Hill, NC 27599-7445

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