The impact of weight management in kids with Type 1 diabetes can shape adulthood experiences

November 21, 2019
New findings from a research team lead by Dr. Elizabeth Mayer-Davis show that weight management challenges faced by adolescents with type 1 diabetes are compounded in young adulthood and influence the habits young people form as they get older.

How would warnings on sugar-sweetened beverages reduce the U.S. obesity rate?

October 17, 2019
“Our study suggests that showing warning labels on sugary drinks is a promising strategy for addressing the obesity epidemic in the U.S.,” Dr. Grummon says. “We found that warnings would reduce obesity prevalence by more than three percentage points. While that number might sound modest, on a national scale it equates to more than five million fewer people with obesity.”

Obesity accelerates risk for health complications in young adults with Type 1 diabetes

August 16, 2019
Obesity in youth and young adults with Type 1 diabetes can lead to early cardiovascular complications in as few as 10 years following diabetes diagnosis, according to new research from the Gillings School.

Researchers promote survivorship programs specific to Latino/a cancer patients

August 5, 2019
As the number of cancer survivors increases, there is a lack of evidence-based, culturally relevant and supportive care programs for Latino/a cancer survivors. Dr. Carmina G. Valle, assistant professor of nutrition, helped adapt a program to fill this gap.

Study finds evidence that omega-3 fatty acid-derived molecules can improve chronic inflammation in obesity

July 31, 2019
A new article, published in the featured spot of the August 2019 Journal of Leukocyte Biology, shares the latest findings on why metabolites made from omega-3 fatty acids are deficient in people living with obesity — and what that means for related inflammation.

Researchers link vitamin D deficiency during pregnancy with neurobehavioral and metabolic disorders in offspring

April 16, 2019
The global prevalence of vitamin D deficiency (VDD) during pregnancy is high, estimated at up to 80 percent in the United States and up to 100 percent in Northern Europe.

Study suggests innovative Chilean food regulations are changing food perceptions, norms, behaviors

February 14, 2019
A study conducted jointly by researchers at Diego Portales University, University of Chile and the Gillings School found that Chilean mothers understood and perceived the benefits of the country’s new policies aimed at combating childhood obesity -- and that their awareness influenced their spending habits. Dr. Lindsey Smith Taillie is a co-author.

Research team proposes healthier living through our mobile devices

February 8, 2019
A team of Gillings School researchers set out to develop a statistical method that can be used in conjunction with data from continuous glucose monitors to help people with Type 1 diabetes better manage their disease. Photo by Alan Levine.

Low-carbohydrate diets can have a positive role in treating Type 2 diabetes

January 16, 2019
Dr. Beth Mayer-Davis is senior author of an article published today in Lancet Diabetes and Endocrinology. Photo by Nadine Primeau.

Researchers identify natural molecule that binds to and enhances function of ‘tumor-suppressor’ protein

January 1, 2019
Researchers at the Gillings School have identified a molecule that activates and increases the function of the p53 tumor-suppressor protein, which could lead to more novel and targeted approaches to cancer treatment.

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