SuperSNAP helps food insecure households afford healthy foods

August 11, 2021
Led by UNC-Chapel Hill researchers, a new study showed that an additional $40 per month for SNAP beneficiaries substantially increased the purchase of healthier food options for people who struggle with food insecurity.

Concern grows over the prevalence of ultra-processed foods in American diets

August 10, 2021
Ultra-processed foods are growing more pervasive in American diets, especially for kids. Drs. Katie Meyer and Lindsey Smith Taillie have co-authored an editorial in the Journal of the American Medical Association that calls for action to understand the role these foods play in the American food system and develop policies to reduce their consumption.

Improving maternal and child nutrition is a family endeavor

July 16, 2021
Maternal and child nutrition researchers are gaining a clearer picture of the role that fathers, grandparents and other family members play in feeding. To develop a holistic approach that considers this family system, experts at UNC-Chapel Hill, including Dr. Stephanie Martin, have contributed to a special compendium of research that could lead to better nutritional results for caregivers and children.

Review shows minimal evidence that dietary supplements lead to weight loss

June 23, 2021
Although Americans spend billions on them, published research shows a lack of strong evidence that dietary supplements and alternative therapies help adults lose weight.

Metabolic clues could serve as early predictors of pregnancy complications, inform nutritional intervention

June 18, 2021
A team of Gillings School nutrition researchers recently identified certain changes in a person’s metabolism, that, if found early in a pregnancy, can more accurately predict whether a mother may experience pregnancy-related hypertension or preterm birth than other known risk factors.

At inaugural symposium, UNC experts seek to improve research on causes of obesity

June 1, 2021
To understand and improve the science used to develop multi-faceted treatment strategies for obesity, experts at UNC convened the first annual Interdisciplinary Nutrition Sciences Symposium in 2019. They have recently published their findings from this conference in Advances in Nutrition.

In South Africa, a tax on unhealthy beverages is changing what people drink

May 27, 2021
A UNC-Chapel Hill study of beverage consumption in a South African township shows that a country-wide tax on sugary beverages has worked to influence more healthy personal choices, with individuals reporting a reduction in the amount of sugar they drink.

Could nutrient cocktails play a role in diminishing addiction, reducing adverse effects of substance abuse?

May 19, 2021
Using illicit drugs can disrupt a person’s metabolism and impact neurological and behavioral function. Experts at the UNC Nutrition Research Institute have shed new light on this link, and the biological clues they’ve uncovered could lead to the development of nutrition therapies that could diminish addiction and reduce the harmful effects of substance abuse.

NIH to extend funding for nutrition and obesity research at UNC through 2026

May 10, 2021
The UNC Nutrition Obesity Research Center has received a grant from the National Institutes of Health to fund another five years of work providing support and expertise to scientists studying the role of nutrition and obesity in public health.

For a healthier world, target ultra-processed foods

April 15, 2021
In a new paper, Gillings School researchers -- together with partners in Mexico, Chile, South Africa and Brazil -- share what their research has shown works worldwide to shift nutritional landscapes. And they express an urgent call to cull the upswing in unhealthy food intake that is leading to chronic illnesses.

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