Preserving and promoting breastfeeding support in Appalachia

October 26, 2022
As part of a special issue of the American Journal of Public Health, Gillings nutrition experts partnered with community breastfeeding advocates to co-develop a study exploring the challenges that lactation professionals and supporters experience in Appalachia.

The Abstract: October 10, 2022

October 10, 2022
Gillings research makes an impact! Levintow, Kahkoska and Thompson receive new research funding, Popkin lends expertise to the FDA, and the Baric Lab studies therapy options to reduce long COVID.

Doctors assess opportunities gained, lost through Medicare’s annual wellness visits

September 8, 2022
Dr. John Batsis and colleagues' analysis of Medicare’s annual wellness visits finds that the one-size-fits-all approach needs an upgrade to truly help seniors live more healthy lives.

Healthy Helping program made fruits and vegetables affordable for more North Carolinians during the COVID-19 pandemic

September 1, 2022
North Carolinians living on low incomes who received a monthly fruit and vegetable benefit during the COVID-19 pandemic enjoyed the flexibility to choose more and a greater variety of nutritious foods during a time of profound food insecurity.

Which strategies will really make North Carolinians healthier?

August 18, 2022
Two teams of researchers from the Gillings School attempt to answer this question as part of the Policies and Programs section of the July issue of the North Carolina Medical Journal.

For people with diabetes, food insecurity is linked with higher odds of missing work, being hospitalized

July 25, 2022
Three UNC-Chapel Hill researchers studied the associations between food insecurity, health-related missed workdays and overnight hospitalizations among working-age adults with Type 2 diabetes.

Health, environmental focused messaging boosts Meatless Monday campaign

April 1, 2022
Messages that emphasize the health and environmental benefits of participating in Meatless Monday are an effective way to encourage people to eat less meat, according to new findings from Gillings School researchers.

Nutrition claims on sugary fruit drinks can lead to less healthy choices for children, new study finds

March 8, 2022
Parents are more likely to choose a fruit drink with added sugar for their young child when the drink’s packaging includes nutrition-related claims, according to a new study that features research from the Gillings School.

NIH funds $2.8M Gillings research on personalized messaging for weight management app

February 17, 2022
A new grant from the National Institutes of Health will help researchers at the Gillings School develop personalized messaging strategies that nutrition apps can use to nudge users toward modifying behavior to meet their goals.

Looking at the impact of COVID-19 on exclusive breastfeeding in Kenya and beyond

February 14, 2022
An ongoing project reveals a perceived sense of milk insufficiency among mothers in Kenya due to food insecurity caused by the economic shocks of the COVID-19 pandemic.

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