Looking at the impact of COVID-19 on exclusive breastfeeding in Kenya and beyond

February 14, 2022
An ongoing project reveals a perceived sense of milk insufficiency among mothers in Kenya due to food insecurity caused by the economic shocks of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Abstract: February 14, 2022

February 14, 2022

Mental health may impact how quickly men connect to HIV care, study in Cameroon finds

January 10, 2022
Research conducted in Cameroon demonstrates that people living with HIV who are initiating care commonly exhibit symptoms of depression, anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder. Among men, screening positive for a mental health disorder was associated with entering care with more advanced HIV symptoms — meaning men who are struggling with their mental health may wait longer to get tested for HIV or begin treatment.

Checking in with COVID-19 Gillings Innovation Labs

November 24, 2021
Five of the COVID-19 research projects funded through a special round of Gillings Innovation Laboratory awards (GILs) have now been completed, and the two remaining are expected to wrap in early 2022. Their work has been critical in influencing local and global pandemic response efforts through policy, practice and community engagement.

Building a better bassinet

November 9, 2021
Carolina faculty helped develop an innovative hospital bassinet that enables breastfeeding and chestfeeding, skin-to-skin contact, and mother-infant bonding while improving newborn safety.

Positive social ‘nudges’ could encourage more providers to treat opioid use disorder

November 3, 2021
Positive social messaging can encourage more providers to seek training to administer medicine for opioid use disorder, which could lead to more patients gaining access to this life-saving treatment.

Multiple-drug involvement in overdose deaths has risen in NC

October 14, 2021
Between 2015 and 2019, North Carolina saw an increase in overdose deaths that involved multiple drugs, highlighting the rapidly changing nature of drug overdoses in the state.

UNC awarded $11.7 million to help providers improve HPV vaccine communication, uptake among adolescents

October 6, 2021
Provider recommendations are key to increasing HPV vaccination rates. A new $11.7 million research initiative, led by UNC Gillings researchers, will equip health care providers with the support necessary to communicate about HPV vaccines more effectively.

Gillings students propose framework for addressing health disparities in US maternal mortality

October 1, 2021
Five students in the Population Health for Clinicians concentration collaborated on a publication that creates a model for understanding and addressing determinants that contribute to maternal mortality in the United States.

Partner resistance affects contraceptive use in Kenya

September 21, 2021
The resistance that male partners may have toward contraceptive use contributes to barriers in access for women and birthing people seeking family planning resources in Western Kenya.

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