Clinical Scholars leadership training creates new opportunities to advance health equity

September 8, 2022
Researchers in the Clinical Scholars program at UNC are uncovering new ways to ensure that inclusive leadership training can support institutional change and reduce the racial inequities perpetuated by health care systems.

For people with diabetes, food insecurity is linked with higher odds of missing work, being hospitalized

July 25, 2022
Three UNC-Chapel Hill researchers studied the associations between food insecurity, health-related missed workdays and overnight hospitalizations among working-age adults with Type 2 diabetes.

Urban hospitals see rising admissions from rural Medicare patients

July 15, 2022
Medicare patients may be bypassing rural hospitals altogether and traveling longer distances to seek care at urban hospitals, according to new research from Hannah Friedman and Dr. Mark Holmes.

UNC researchers examine better treatment delivery options as opioid use disorders continue to increase

June 1, 2022
The number of people dying from opioid use disorder has skyrocketed since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. Alex Gertner, a recent UNC MD-PhD Program graduate, is focused on finding better ways to provide treatment in order to save lives.

Mental health crisis among public health professionals requires urgent action

December 21, 2021
Public health workers are facing a mounting mental health crisis as they encounter prolonged challenges in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Responding to this crisis should be a top priority for public health leaders, according to a new article by Drs. John Wiesman and Ed Baker.

Checking in with COVID-19 Gillings Innovation Labs

November 24, 2021
Five of the COVID-19 research projects funded through a special round of Gillings Innovation Laboratory awards (GILs) have now been completed, and the two remaining are expected to wrap in early 2022. Their work has been critical in influencing local and global pandemic response efforts through policy, practice and community engagement.

9 Gillings School faculty members named to Clarivate's annual Highly Cited Researchers list

November 16, 2021
Nine academics from the Gillings School were recently named to the 2021 Highly Cited Researchers list from Clarivate. The highly anticipated annual list identifies researchers who demonstrated significant influence in their chosen field or fields through the publication of multiple highly cited papers during the last decade.

Positive social ‘nudges’ could encourage more providers to treat opioid use disorder

November 3, 2021
Positive social messaging can encourage more providers to seek training to administer medicine for opioid use disorder, which could lead to more patients gaining access to this life-saving treatment.

UNC awarded $11.7 million to help providers improve HPV vaccine communication, uptake among adolescents

October 6, 2021
Provider recommendations are key to increasing HPV vaccination rates. A new $11.7 million research initiative, led by UNC Gillings researchers, will equip health care providers with the support necessary to communicate about HPV vaccines more effectively.

Study estimates costs of treating and living with metastatic breast cancer will more than double between 2015 and 2030

July 15, 2021
A study from the UNC Center for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention estimates that annual costs associated with metastatic breast cancer among United States women will total $152.4 billion in 2030 — nearly two and a half times the estimate for 2015 costs — due to increase in cases among younger women.

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