Pictures on cigarette warning labels can help smokers kick the habit despite lack of effect on risk beliefs

February 5, 2020
A new study co-led by Dr. Noel Brewer has found that pictures on cigarette warning labels increase the likelihood that smokers will quit even though they do not increase belief in the risk of harm smoking can cause.

UNC and Shanghai collaborate on promising models for the global challenge of diabetes

February 3, 2020
Dr. Edwin Fisher and Peers for Progress have collaborated with colleagues in Shanghai on a paper showing the contributions of peer support to diabetes management as part of a special section of Translational Behavioral Medicine devoted to prevention and management of diabetes in varied international settings.

Linnan honored with paper of the year award for research on workplace health in America

January 23, 2020
Dr. Laura Linnan is first author on a paper about workplace health in the United States that has been chosen by the American Journal of Health Promotion as the Editor-in-Chief Paper of the Year for 2019 and one of nine on the “Best of 2019 List.”

Alcohol ads visible outside Baltimore's liquor stores linked to increased violent crime

January 21, 2020
A new study found that Baltimore liquor outlets with alcohol ads visible from the street had higher levels of homicide, aggravated assault, rape and robbery within 1,000 feet of the premises.

Correcting vaccine misinformation is a difficult process, UNC study shows

January 14, 2020
UNC-Chapel Hill researchers examined how negative media coverage of the HPV vaccine impacted vaccination rates in Denmark to better understand the damage misinformation causes.

10 Gillings faculty members named Highly Cited Researchers by Web of Science

December 10, 2019
Ten academics from the UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health were recently named Highly Cited Researchers, according to the Highly Cited Researchers 2019 list from the Web of Science Group.

How would warnings on sugar-sweetened beverages reduce the U.S. obesity rate?

October 17, 2019
“Our study suggests that showing warning labels on sugary drinks is a promising strategy for addressing the obesity epidemic in the U.S.,” Dr. Grummon says. “We found that warnings would reduce obesity prevalence by more than three percentage points. While that number might sound modest, on a national scale it equates to more than five million fewer people with obesity.”

Health warning labels reduce purchases of sugary beverages

October 2, 2019
A randomized controlled trial from the UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health finds that even brief exposure to health warnings on sugar-sweetened beverages reduced purchases of those beverages, providing evidence that such warnings promote healthier drink choices.

Survey shows half of all workplaces in America offer health and wellness programs

April 22, 2019
Workplace health promotion programs are increasing in the United States, according to researchers at the Gillings School, the CDC and RTI International. Nearly half of all workplaces in the nation offer some level of health promotion or wellness programs, and 17 percent of workplaces with 50 or more employees offer comprehensive workplace health promotion programs.

Rural South African children exposed to violence are more likely to be victims, perpetrators of violence as adults

February 22, 2019
Health behavior doctoral candidate Sarah Treves-Kagan is author of a study published online Feb. 8 in the Journal of Interpersonal Violence. Photo by Marja Leena Kultanen (Finnish Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Flicker Creative Commons).

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