Research team proposes healthier living through our mobile devices

February 8, 2019
A team of Gillings School researchers set out to develop a statistical method that can be used in conjunction with data from continuous glucose monitors to help people with Type 1 diabetes better manage their disease. Photo by Alan Levine.

Nutrition, biostatistics faculty awarded NC TraCS grants

January 18, 2019
Drs. Ian Carroll, Jason Fine and Lindsey Smith Taillie have received funding from the North Carolina Translational and Clinical Sciences Institute.

Eight states join Go NAPSACC, UNC-Chapel Hill’s web-based health promotion tool for child care programs

January 17, 2019
In 2019, Go NAPSACC will be making a difference in children's health in 20 states. Based at UNC's Center for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention, the program helps child care programs develop environments that encourage healthful eating and physical activity in children.

Low-carbohydrate diets can have a positive role in treating Type 2 diabetes

January 16, 2019
Dr. Beth Mayer-Davis is senior author of an article published today in Lancet Diabetes and Endocrinology. Photo by Nadine Primeau.

Researchers identify natural molecule that binds to and enhances function of ‘tumor-suppressor’ protein

January 1, 2019
Researchers at the Gillings School have identified a molecule that activates and increases the function of the p53 tumor-suppressor protein, which could lead to more novel and targeted approaches to cancer treatment.

Top 25 hits in 2018: The year's most-read news stories

December 21, 2018
What news topics interested our readers in 2018? A look at our most-read articles suggests that our followers are interested, above all, in people’s stories and the good work they do.

Households in Mexico decreased unhealthy drink purchases following tax, study finds

December 14, 2018
Households in Mexico that regularly purchased high quantities of sugar-sweetened beverages purchased significantly fewer of those beverages after a 2014 excise tax was implemented. Drs. Shu Wen Ng and Barry Popkin are study co-authors. Photo by Francesco Gallarotti.

Richard Besser, MD, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation President and CEO, will speak at the Gillings School’s May commencement

December 10, 2018
"We are proud of our association with the UNC Gillings School and its work to make public health a top priority in America," Dr. Besser said.

11 undergraduates from the Gillings School inducted into Phi Beta Kappa

December 5, 2018
Students from all four Gillings School departments offering the Bachelor of Science in Public Health have been inducted into Phi Beta Kappa, the country’s oldest and most honored college honorary society.

Clarivate Analytics’ new list of highly cited researchers includes eight from Gillings School

December 3, 2018
Drs. Adair, Baric, Brewer, Cohen, Evenson, Paerl, Popkin and Surratt were on the Clarivate Analytics list for 2018.

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