Paving new paths to choline

August 23, 2021
UNC Nutrition Research Institute Assistant Professor Isis Trujillo studies choline, an essential nutrient that is critical for brain development in the womb.

Remembering David Steffen, servant leader who inspired future public health change-makers

August 16, 2021
The Gillings School community celebrates the life of Dr. David Steffen, beloved teacher, practitioner and public health leadership mentor, who passed away in late July 2021. Steffen inspired and guided countless colleagues and public health professionals on their path to become transformative leaders in communities, health departments and other care organizations locally and globally.

SuperSNAP helps food insecure households afford healthy foods

August 11, 2021
Led by UNC-Chapel Hill researchers, a new study showed that an additional $40 per month for SNAP beneficiaries substantially increased the purchase of healthier food options for people who struggle with food insecurity.

PFAS Testing Network releases final report, shares scientific recommendations for NC

August 10, 2021
PFAS — short for per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances — are found in many common products and have been linked to negative health effects in animals, but their health effects in humans are largely unknown. In an effort to shed light on this concerning scientific question, researchers with the PFAS Testing (PFAST) Network have submitted a comprehensive report and accompanying recommendations to the North Carolina General Assembly.

More than a mindset

August 10, 2021
A group of master’s and doctoral students is the first to pursue UNC-Chapel Hill’s new graduate Certificate in Innovation for the Public Good. How are they applying early lessons learned to create new programs, ventures and services that make a community impact?

Drinking among first-year college students decreases during pandemic

August 9, 2021
First-year college students reported drinking less alcohol and having fewer episodes of binge drinking four months into the coronavirus pandemic than they were before the pandemic started, according to a study by researchers at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

Gillings School maternal and child health workforce development center renewed through 2026

July 26, 2021
The Department of Maternal and Child Health (MCH) has received a $1.97 million award from the Health Resources and Services Administration’s Maternal and Child Health Bureau, which will renew funding of the department’s National MCH Workforce Development Center for another five years.

William Ray named as NC’s next director of emergency management

July 26, 2021
The North Carolina Department of Public Safety announced on July 2 that UNC Gillings alumnus William Ray will serve as North Carolina’s director of emergency management.

Carolina to lead $15 million statewide COVID-19 surveillance program funded by NC Policy Collaboratory

July 26, 2021
A new surveillance program, led by UNC-Chapel Hill's Dirk Dittmer, Amir Barzin and Audrey Pettifor, will collect, sequence and share data on SARS-CoV-2 samples from across the state, providing real-time information on variants circulating in North Carolina.

During COVID-19 crisis, NCIPH supports NC school staff in addressing critical health needs

July 13, 2021 In response to the rapidly changing roles and responsibilities of staff in K-12 schools, the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction partnered with the North Carolina Institute for Public Health to create an accessible learning resource to address critical pandemic needs.

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