Public health in practice: The NC Child Care Health and Safety Resource Center
June 14, 2022 The NC Child Care Health and Safety Resource Center engages in public health practice that improves child care throughout North Carolina by training and supporting health professionals who work with programs to assess, plan, implement and evaluate strategies to achieve high quality, safe and healthy child care environments.
Can we reverse the rise in maternal mortality?
June 14, 2022 Students from UNC-Chapel Hill and NC State University have joined forces to reverse rising maternal death rates in minorities. They’ve been invited to Oxford University in June to share their insights as part of a systems thinking competition among 44 top student teams from around the world.
Public health in practice: NC Partnership for Excellence in Applied Epidemiology
June 10, 2022 The North Carolina Partnership for Excellence in Applied Epidemiology is an applied public health research, educational and practice collaborative to promote best practices that improve the health and well-being of North Carolinians and the global community.
UNC researchers examine better treatment delivery options as opioid use disorders continue to increase
June 1, 2022 The number of people dying from opioid use disorder has skyrocketed since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. Alex Gertner, a recent UNC MD-PhD Program graduate, is focused on finding better ways to provide treatment in order to save lives.
Holliday brings expertise to NC Task Force on Healthy Aging
June 1, 2022 Amanda Holliday is working to address elder food insecurity in North Carolina. An associate professor in the Department of Nutrition at the Gillings School, she also serves on a new state Task Force on Healthy Aging.
Two public health leadership students receive NC Schweitzer Fellowships
June 1, 2022 Carrie Alspaugh and Jeannie Salisbury from the Gillings School are among 28 graduate students across the state who were selected as North Carolina Albert Schweitzer Fellows.
Gaps in screening leave many NC children at risk of lead exposure
June 1, 2022 Exposure to lead can be harmful to a child's development. A new study led by Gillings School alumna Dr. Elizabeth Kamai suggests that North Carolina's current high-risk screening practices may fail to identify thousands of children with elevated blood lead levels.
Cooperation rewards water utilities
May 25, 2022 Mark Twain is attributed with the quote, “Whisky is for drinking, and water is for fighting over!” But what if, when it comes to urban water utilities, cooperation yields more benefits than going it alone?
Researchers evaluate diagnostic testing landscape for tick-borne disease in the Southeast
May 25, 2022 Tick-borne disease and Lyme are not synonymous, especially in North Carolina. If anything, other pathogens like rickettsia and ehrlichia are much more common, and testing should reflect that, researchers say.
UNC-Chapel Hill receives $65M from NIH for antiviral drug development center
May 20, 2022 Building on the work of READDI, the NIH-funded center will develop oral antivirals to combat pandemic-level viruses like COVID-19.