New study gives insight into how often COVID-19 spreads through households

August 30, 2021
The study reports on how frequently COVID-19 spreads to other people living in the same household as someone diagnosed with the illness. The researchers emphasize that having many people living in one household is a major factor in infection risk, which disproportionately affects communities of color.

Vaccinations can stop delta variant

August 27, 2021
With delta driving more than 85% of COVID-19 cases in the United States, vaccinations are the best path for ending the pandemic, says virologist David R. Martinez.

Two Gillings leaders advance research on innovative solutions to public health challenges

August 24, 2021
Drs. Mark Sobsey and Steven Meshnick were two early recipients of Gillings Innovation Lab awards that proposed public health improvements to global communities and provided instrumental mentorship to students and faculty at UNC and the Gillings School today.

Mother-infant hepatitis B treatment, prevention feasible in sub-Saharan Africa

August 20, 2021
A study in Lancet Global Health, co-authored by a UNC Gillings student, shows the feasibility and acceptance of hepatitis B virus testing, treatment and vaccination programs in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

The Abstract: August 16, 2021

August 16, 2021
The Abstract: Learn more about the impact of Fast Grants on COVID-19 research. Meet Siani Antoine, who came to the Gillings School from The Graduate School's Summer Undergraduate Pipeline program. Humanitarian Health Fellow Dr. Dilshad Jaff publishes a new article on the effect of chemical weapon usage.

Chile’s Law of Food Labeling and Advertising encourages notably healthier choices

August 11, 2021
Chile’s package of healthy food policies successfully decreased purchases of unhealthy food and drinks during the initial implementation phase, according to a new study. Researchers say the significant reductions in calories and nutrients of concern (sugar, sodium and saturated fat) underscore the potential for heathy food policies to significantly affect public health — even in the short-term.

The impact of anxiety and alcohol dependence on HIV therapy: New findings from Vietnam

July 23, 2021
A study of people living with HIV in Vietnam suggests that depression and anxiety can lead to lower rates of antiretroviral therapy adherence. Alcohol dependence can worsen the negative effects of anxiety in a synergistic manner, further contributing to poor therapy adherence.

What is sanitation’s role in prevention of intestinal disease in children?

July 19, 2021
A team of environmental health experts proposed a radical improvement in sanitation for informal communities in Maputo, Mozambique, in an effort to reduce intestinal infections in young children. They found, however, that the risk of infection is so high that sanitation improvements alone may not be enough to significantly improve health.

Improving maternal and child nutrition is a family endeavor

July 16, 2021
Maternal and child nutrition researchers are gaining a clearer picture of the role that fathers, grandparents and other family members play in feeding. To develop a holistic approach that considers this family system, experts at UNC-Chapel Hill, including Dr. Stephanie Martin, have contributed to a special compendium of research that could lead to better nutritional results for caregivers and children.

Well-researched investment in renewable energy can improve global equity

July 6, 2021
In many low- and lower middle-income countries, great natural wealth contrasts with a desire for economic development. In two recent publications, Dr. Noah Kittner explores the ideal balance of wind, solar and hydropower in Myanmar and discusses financial compensation for solar energy generation in the Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam.

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