Study in more than 165,000 participants supports connection between particulate matter air pollution and inflammation

January 21, 2020
A new study indicates that mid- to long-duration exposure to ambient particulate matter in air pollution is associated with increased inflammatory responses in diverse U.S. populations. This research supports an already established connection between exposure to particulate matter and an increased risk of cardiovascular disease.

Gillings research on broad-spectrum antiviral could aid public health response to coronavirus outbreaks

January 10, 2020
New research from scientists at the Gillings School reveals that, in mice, remdesivir is more therapeutically effective against the Middle East respiratory coronavirus (MERS-CoV) than comparative antiviral treatments. This broad-spectrum antiviral drug could help public health workers respond more rapidly to coronavirus outbreaks.

Hair dye, chemical straighteners linked with breast cancer in large study

December 19, 2019
Women who routinely use permanent hair dye may have a higher risk of breast cancer, according to research conducted by Carolyn Eberle, a doctoral student of epidemiology at the Gillings School.

Wheeler collaborates on publication highlighting disparities in cancer prevention and control

December 16, 2019
Dr. Stephanie Wheeler has collaborated on a supplemental issue of Preventive Medicine, with 12 articles that examine stakeholder-engaged implementation science and population approaches to improve equity in cancer prevention and control.

10 Gillings faculty members named Highly Cited Researchers by Web of Science

December 10, 2019
Ten academics from the UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health were recently named Highly Cited Researchers, according to the Highly Cited Researchers 2019 list from the Web of Science Group.

Smith recognized as an expert in early cancer detection by Expertscape

November 21, 2019
Dr. Jennifer S. Smith recently was named by Expertscape as a leading expert in the early detection of cancer.

Westreich publishes new text to teach epidemiology through causality

November 18, 2019
Dr. Daniel Westreich has authored Epidemiology by Design: A Causal Approach to the Health Sciences, a new introductory textbook that explores the foundations of epidemiology through the lens of causal inference.

Taking too many medications may increase frailty in older adults

November 7, 2019
New research from UNC Gillings suggests that the simultaneous use of five or more medications may contribute to frailty, which can leave older adults more vulnerable to worsening health outcomes, including hospitalizations, falls, disability and death.

Adimora elected to National Academy of Medicine

November 7, 2019
Dr. Adaora Adimora of the UNC Gillings School has been elected to the National Academy of Medicine — one of the highest honors in the fields of health and medicine — for her research on heterosexual HIV transmission and prevention among African Americans.

With $19.4M, UNC researchers will combat chronic illnesses linked with HIV

October 31, 2019
The Multicenter AIDS Cohort Study / Women’s Interagency HIV Study Combined Cohort Study is a collaborative research effort to understand and reduce the impact of chronic health conditions that affect people living with HIV. Dr. Adaora Adimora leads the UNC-Chapel Hill site, one of 13 across the country.

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