New study links particulate matter pollution to brain damage, depression

September 1, 2020
Recent research by a team that included Drs. William Vizuete and Marc Serre adds to mounting evidence that long-term exposure to particulate matter pollution contributes to memory loss and may accelerate aging of the brain, especially later in life.

Environmental sciences and engineering professorships usher in next century of interdisciplinary research, innovation

August 19, 2020
Appointments to two prestigious professorships in the UNC Gillings School of Global Health’s Department of Environmental Sciences and Engineering underscore the department’s 100-year tradition of local and global impact. Dr. Jill Stewart has been named the Philip C. Singer Distinguished Professor of Environmental Sciences and Engineering, and Dr. Gregory Characklis, the W.R. Kenan Jr. Distinguished Professor.

Christenson-Diver named AAAS Science & Technology Policy Fellow

August 10, 2020
Dr. Elizabeth Christenson-Diver, a postdoctoral research associate at the Gillings School, has been awarded a Science & Technology Policy Fellowship from the American Association for the Advancement of Science. Her placement is with the United States Department of State’s Bureau of Western Hemisphere Affairs — specifically, the Office of Canadian Affairs.

NSF funds UNC scientists to explore potential COVID-19 aerosol transmission

August 3, 2020
In an effort to further our understanding of how COVID-19 is spread, the National Science Foundation has funded a team of researchers at the Gillings School, led by Dr. Barbara Turpin, to study the SARS-CoV-2 virus' potential for aerosol transmission.

Gillings faculty urge World Health Organization to address potential airborne spread of COVID-19

July 14, 2020
Drs. Barbara Turpin, Glenn Morrison and Jason Surratt from the Department of Environmental Sciences and Engineering have joined more than two hundred scientists in signing an open letter to the World Health Organization expressing concern about the potential airborne spread of COVID-19.

Harvey Award will support mobile app for well-water testing

July 10, 2020
The Harvey Award recognizes exemplary faculty who reflect UNC's commitment to innovative engagement and outreach that addresses real-world challenges.

Seven new Gillings Innovation Labs will tackle COVID-19

July 6, 2020
Exactly how does coronavirus spread in the air? What will get kids’ vaccinations back on track across the United States? How can public health practitioners work with church communities to spread accurate information about COVID-19? These are just three of the questions being explored by Gillings School researchers and their collaborators through a special COVID-19 round of Gillings Innovation Laboratory awards.

Gillings alumnus Handzel named CDC’s global water, sanitation and hygiene coordinator

June 15, 2020
The United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recently appointed UNC Gillings School alumnus Dr. Tom Handzel as global WASH coordinator at their Center for Global Health. (WASH stands for Water, Sanitation and Hygiene.)

The Gillings Community Responds to COVID-19: Keeping Communities Informed

May 11, 2020
The digital space has made information about COVID-19 more accessible than ever – but not more accurate. Students in maternal and child health, the Public Health Leadership Program and environmental sciences and engineering are generating solutions to communicate public health information factually and effectively to communities in need.

Three Gillings students awarded NSF Graduate Research Fellowships

May 5, 2020
Clara Eichler, Catherine McManus and Haley Plaas — all students in the Department of Environmental Sciences and Engineering — were awarded 2020 National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowships.

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