The Department of Biostatistics has access to a wide landscape of computing resources on campus. The Department has their own computing resources available for intense computational simulations. In addition to the Departmental resources, UNC also has a number of High Performance Computing Clusters available that run on various hardware and software platforms. For more info about computing resources available on campus please view the following site . For more information about computing in Biostatistics please visit the site . This site is password protected and will require a valid Bios user name and password.

The Department of Biostatistics Information Technology manages compliance with University, state and federal guidelines regarding data integrity and privacy and works to ensure network and system security. The group also manages and updates computing policy for students, faculty and staff in the Department.

Contact your Academic Coordinator.
Assistant to Chair: Anna Lohmann
Looking for someone else?
MPH@UNC (MPH Online) Only:
Program Coordinator, John Sugg

135 Dauer Drive
3101 McGavran-Greenberg Hall, CB #7420
Chapel Hill, NC 27599-7420
(919) 966-7250