Marc Serre, PhD
Dr. Serre is director of UNC's BMElab, a modeling lab for space/time geostatistics in exposure, disease and risk mapping (https://mserre.sph.unc.edu/BMElab_web/). Dr. Serre also is the founding contact person for BMElib, the Bayesian maximum entropy software for space/time geostatistics and temporal GIS data integration.
Marc Serre in the Gillings News
- New UNC study quantifies disparity among marginalized communities exposed to traffic-related air pollution across the US
- Could an app help scientists understand wildfire smoke’s impact on cognition?
- New ozone air pollution maps support Global Burden of Disease study
- Does air pollution increase women’s risk of dementia?
- New study links particulate matter pollution to brain damage, depression
Honors and Awards
Newton Underwood Award for Excellence in Teaching
2005, Department Of Environmental Sciences and Engineering, UNC
Computational Science Graduate Fellowship
1999, U.S. Department of Energy
Graduate Fellowship
1996, U.S. Department of Education
Dean's List
1992, Department of Environmental Sciences and Engineering, University of Iowa
Research Activities
Dr. Serre's research interests include:
(1) Space/time geostatistics and temporal GIS
(2) Atmospheric mapping of air pollutants
(3) Hydraulics and hydrology of water contaminants
(4) Exposure sciences
(5) Health risk assessment
(6) Environmental epidemiology
(7) Medical geography and
(8) Environmental justice.
His current projects include:
(a) Does Arsenic Mitigation in Bangladesh Raise Exposure to Bacterial and Viral Pathogens?
(b) Improving the Effectiveness of Mercury Water Quality Estimation along North Carolina Rivers
(c) Environmental Determinants of Sleep Disturbance: Role of Ambient Air Pollution
(d) Local health impacts of land application of sewage sludge
(e) Spatial Epidemiology of Syphillis and Gonorhea in North Carolina
(f) Version Upgrade, Expansion, and Improvement of Modern Bayesian Spatio-Temporal Geostatistics Code for ArcGIS Users and
(g) Environmental Exposure and Effect of Hazardous Chemicals.
Key Publications
An LUR/BME framework to estimate PM2.5 explained by on road mobile and stationary sources. Jeanette Reyes, Marc Serre (2014). Environmental Science and Technology, 48(3), 1736-1744.
Large scale air pollution estimation method combining land use regression and chemical transport modeling in a geostatistical framework. Yasuyuki Akita, Jose Baldasano, Rob Beelen, Marta Cirach, Gerard Hoek, Kees Hoogh, Audrey Nazelle, Mark Nieuwenhuijsen, Marc Serre (2014). Environmental Science and Technology, 48(8), 4452-4459.
A hybrid approach to estimating national scale spatiotemporal variability of PM2.5 in the contiguous United States. Bernardo Beckerman, Richard Burnett, Aaron Donkelaar, Michael Jerrett, Seung-Jae Lee, Randall Martin, Zev Ross, Marc Serre, Jason Su (2013). Environmental Science and Technology, 47(13), 7233-7241.
Does core area theory apply to sexually transmitted diseases in rural environments? Dionne Gesink, William Miller, Todd Norwood, Marc Serre, Ashleigh Sullivan (2013). Sexually Transmitted Diseases, 40(1), 32-40.
Arsenic in North Carolina: Public Health Implications. Rebecca Fry, Kyle Messier, Kenneth Rudo, Alison Sanders, Marc Serre, Mina Shehee (2012). Environment International, 38(1), 10-16.
- PhD, Environmental Sciences and Engineering, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1999
- MS, Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Iowa, 1992
- MS, Hydraulics, National School of Electricity, Computer Science and Hydraulics, 1, 1990
- BS & MS, Physics/Engineering, National Institute Applied Sciences, 1989