MPH Practicum: Information for Faculty Mentors

In addition to the information on this page, it is important to review the Practicum Requirements and Roles, which are relevant to students, preceptors and faculty mentors.

This page provides further information for and resources for faculty mentors.

For links to information specific to students or preceptors, return to the Gillings MPH Practicum main page.

Faculty Mentor Role and Responsibilities

The faculty mentor provides discipline-specific feedback and technical support for the practicum. The faculty mentor:

  • Assists the student in refining goals for the practicum experience;
  • Reviews and provides feedback on the learning agreement to ensure that the proposed scope of work accounts for all steps entailed in producing the products, is feasible for the timeframe and aligns with selected competencies;
  • Provides technical assistance and problem-solving support during the practicum, as needed; and
  • Assesses the student’s practicum products for competency demonstration.


UNC Gillings Faculty Mentor Practicum Products Evaluation

Gillings Admissions: 233 Rosenau Hall, (919) 445-1170
Student Affairs: 263 Rosenau Hall, (919) 966-2499
Dean's Office: 170 Rosenau Hall, (919) 966-3215
Business and Administration: 170 Rosenau Hall, (919) 966-3215
Academic Affairs: 307 Rosenau Hall, (919) 843-8044
Inclusive Excellence: 207B Rosenau Hall, (919) 966-7430
Room Reservations

135 Dauer Drive
Chapel Hill, NC 27599-7400