
The National Health Equity Research Webcast is an interdisciplinary, collaborative effort that builds on the expertise and support of UNC campus partners, community agencies, researchers and practitioners in health and education fields. The webcast appeals to organizations and individuals in North Carolina and across the nation with a focus on health equity, educational achievement and economic stabilization in all areas within our society. Our partners and donors for 2016 are listed below.


Patron Sponsor

($10,000 and above)

Gillings School of Global Public Health, UNC
Barbara K. Rimer, Dr.P.H.
Dean and Alumni Distinguished Professor


($5,000 – $9,999)

Diversity and Multicultural Affairs, UNC
Taffye B. Clayton, Ed.D.
Associate Vice Chancellor for Diversity and Multicultural Affairs and Chief Diversity Officer

Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research, UNC
Barbara Entwisle, Ph.D.
Vice Chancellor for Research and Kenan Distinguished Professor

Frank Porter Graham Child Development Institute, UNC
Samuel L. Odom, Ph.D.

Supporter($1,000 – $2,499)

Student Wellness
DeVetta Holman Nash  Ph.D, MPH, NCAS-III
Assistant Director – Health Equity, Inclusion and Advocacy Programs

Maya Angelou Center for Health Equity, Wake Forest University
Ronny A. Bell, Ph.D., MS

Special Friend
($500 – $999)
Center for Health Equity Research, UNC
Giselle Corbie-Smith, MD, MSc.
Director and Professor of Social Medicine and Medicine, School of Medicine

Friend($100 – $499)

Gillings Global Gateway, UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health
Jim Herrington, M.D.
Professor and Chair

School of Information and Library Science, UNC
Gary Marchionini, Ph.D.
Dean and Boshamer Distinguished Professor

Department of Biostatistics, UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health
Michael R. Kosorok, Ph.D.
Chair and W.R. Kenan, Jr. Distinguished Professor

Center for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention
Alice Ammerman, Ph.D.
Director and Professor

In-Kind Contributors

School of Social Work, UNC
Jack M. Richman, Ph.D., Dean and Professor

Endorsements and Partners

UNC CHEOP Office, North Carolina Health Career Access Program, UNC

NCCU-LCCC Partners Public Heath Training Program
Chancellor’s Science Scholars
Health Disparities workgroup of the NC State Collaborative on Children and Families

Related Links

22nd National Health Equity Research Webcast Registration for 2016 Webcast
NHERW Archives Abstracts and Slides
Sponsorships and Endorsements Credits and Acknowledgements
Site Agreement Frequently Asked Questions
Address questions about the Minority Health Project to minority_health@unc.edu.