Materials in the child care program toolkit are divided into four categories.

Self-Assessment Tools for Child Care Programs

Breastfeeding-Friendly Child Care: Self-Assessment handout


Educational Materials for Child Care Programs

Our Child Care Center Supports Breastfeeding poster


Educational Materials For All Families

Summary of the Ten Steps to Breastfeeding-Friendly Child Care



Educational Materials for Breastfeeding Families

Guidance for families providing human milk









Note: All materials were developed in conjunction with a training for early care providers, which is an integral part of the intervention. The related training, because of its interactive nature, does not lend itself to inclusion in the toolkit. For more information about this, or about developing materials specific to your locality, contact the Project Director, Daina Huntley, at


Phone: (919) 966-3774
Fax: (919) 966-0458
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Carolina Global Breastfeeding Institute
Department of Maternal and Child Health
135 Dauer Drive
422 Rosenau Hall, CB #7445
Chapel Hill, NC 27599-7445