Wheeler collaborates on publication highlighting disparities in cancer prevention and control

December 16, 2019
Dr. Stephanie Wheeler has collaborated on a supplemental issue of Preventive Medicine, with 12 articles that examine stakeholder-engaged implementation science and population approaches to improve equity in cancer prevention and control.

NC Medicaid data show progress in state's opioid epidemic, but patients need better access to treatment

November 19, 2019
A new analysis of North Carolina Medicaid data finds that, while important progress is being made in combating the state’s opioid epidemic, more work is needed to increase the rate at which Medicaid enrollees diagnosed with Opioid Use Disorder receive effective medications to treat it.

For cancer patients who identify as sexual and gender minorities, there is a serious research gap

November 18, 2019
Although research on cancer patients who identify as sexual and gender minorities has grown over the past few years, more studies are needed to improve cancer care delivery and outcomes for these underserved populations.

200,000 North Carolinians are in the 'Medicaid gap.' What does that mean?

November 18, 2019
North Carolinians who fall in the “Medicaid gap” are less likely to regularly use preventive care and more likely to put off needed care due to cost, finds a new study from the UNC Gillings School.

Despite ACA benefits, some native populations lack health insurance coverage

October 22, 2019
Research from UNC Gillings faculty shows insurance coverage among American Indians and Alaska Natives in midwestern regions is still lacking, despite Affordable Care Act (ACA) provisions for these historically underserved populations.

How would warnings on sugar-sweetened beverages reduce the U.S. obesity rate?

October 17, 2019
“Our study suggests that showing warning labels on sugary drinks is a promising strategy for addressing the obesity epidemic in the U.S.,” Dr. Grummon says. “We found that warnings would reduce obesity prevalence by more than three percentage points. While that number might sound modest, on a national scale it equates to more than five million fewer people with obesity.”

Oberlander explores Medicare for All and the changing language of health care reform

October 14, 2019
Professor Jonathan Oberlander tackled the evolving discourse political candidates are using to describe public health insurance policies in a September 2019 article for the Milbank Quarterly.

Does being part of a pediatric ACO equal better health care for children with disabilities?

August 7, 2019
Children with disabilities are at higher risk for poor physical, psychological and social health than children without disabilities, placing them among the most vulnerable populations. A recent study co-led by UNC Gillings researchers explores whether being part of an accountable care organization (ACO) improves health care for these children.

Researchers propose action plan to improve quality health services for nations facing ‘extreme adversity’

August 5, 2019
In order to help the World Health Organization meet its goal of better protecting one billion people from health emergencies by 2023, a team of researchers from the Gillings School has proposed an evidence-based framework to improve the quality of health services in areas facing extreme adversity.

Emergency department crowding is a hospital-wide problem

July 30, 2019
Overcrowded hospital emergency departments (ED) can have negative consequences on patient health and hospital performance, but when it comes to solutions to ease gridlock in the ED, one size does not fit all.

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