Martin receives 2022 Gillings Faculty Award for Excellence in Health Equity Research

September 22, 2022
Dr. Chantel Martin will receive this year’s Gillings Faculty Award for Excellence in Health Equity Research. Martin is an emerging national leader in research to understand how structural factors and social stressors in the U.S. become biologically embodied to impact health outcomes among racially and ethnically minoritized groups and produce health inequities.

The Abstract: September 12, 2022

September 12, 2022
Dept. of Biostatistics is no. 1 among doctoral and undergraduate degree-granting programs in biostatistics, Kinue Beugre is featured by Science magazine and the NIH, and the public health community remembers Dr. Melvin Pinn Jr.

Kosorok named president-elect of Institute of Mathematical Statistics

August 30, 2022
Dr. Michael R. Kosorok has been named president-elect of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics, a nonprofit organization that fosters the development and dissemination of theory and applications of statistics and probability.

Monaco named assistant dean of undergraduate degree programs

August 29, 2022
Dr. Jane Monaco will serve as the Gillings School's assistant dean of undergraduate degree programs beginning Sept. 1.

Wiesman named associate dean for practice at UNC Gillings School

August 18, 2022
Dr. John Wiesman has been appointed associate dean for practice at the UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health. In this senior leadership role, he will provide guidance to achieve the school’s vision and goals for putting public health training into action.

Beck to serve as interim chair for Gillings School’s Department of Nutrition

August 17, 2022
Dr. Melinda Beck has been named the interim chair of the Gillings School's Department of Nutrition, beginning September 1. She has been a faculty member at UNC since 1992 and joined the nutrition faculty in 1996.

The Abstract: August 15, 2022

August 15, 2022
Hincapie-Castillo assesses COVID-19 dashboards in public schools, Rothenberg is named RTI International's Mentee of the Year and students from biostatistics are honored for research.

Villarreal finds inspiration as Aspen Ideas: Health Fellow

August 10, 2022
Naya Villarreal, MPH — global health associate director for Research, Innovation and Global Solutions and adjunct assistant professor of health behavior at the Gillings School — was part of the prestigious cohort of 2022 Aspen Ideas: Health Fellows.

Wherever we go, microbes are with us. A new science center will examine the microbial communities of indoor spaces

August 10, 2022
Researchers in a new $26 million center will work to understand and engineer the microbiomes in our homes, workspaces and other built environments.

Staley wins Ford Foundation Dissertation Fellowship

August 4, 2022
Brooke Staley, a doctoral candidate in epidemiology at the UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health and former co-chair of the Minority Student Caucus, was selected as one of 38 awardees in the 2022 Ford Foundation Dissertation Fellowship competition.

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