The Abstract: April 17, 2023

April 17, 2023
Belizán is honored for trailblazing maternal and child health research, National MCH Workforce Development Center collaborates with Virginia Department of Health, and Ricketts is cited White House economic report.

Strong adolescent-parent relationships linked to improved health in young adults

April 3, 2023
New research in JAMA Network Open has found that investments in improving parent–adolescent relationships could help improve general health, mental health and sexual health, while also reducing substance use in young adulthood.

Two UNC scholars win 2023 Engaged Scholarship Prizes

March 23, 2023
Dr. Dane Emmerling and Elana Jaffe are the recipients of the 2023 Engaged Scholarship Prizes, which honors their scholarship to address public issues, engage communities in collaborative processes that produce or apply knowledge, advance service-learning and civic engagement in higher education, and disseminate their work to a broader public.

U.S. Catholic hospitals saw more than 500,000 births in 2020, according to UNC-Duke research

March 21, 2023
Researchers at UNC and Duke have found that, in 2020, more than 500,000 U.S. births occurred in Catholic hospitals, which may not provide a full range of reproductive health care. Catholic hospitals were the predominant option for delivery care in more than 10% of U.S. counties, and many had no available alternative.

An unexpected path to reducing child abuse and neglect investigations nationwide

February 23, 2023
Increased eligibility for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program has been found to reduce the number of child protective services investigations of suspected child abuse and neglect nationwide.

$3.3 million NIMH grant will fund study addressing undervaccination among people with anxiety and depression

February 9, 2023
A $3.3 million grant from the National Institute of Mental Health will fund innovative new research to address high levels of COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy among individuals with symptoms of anxiety or depression.

The Abstract: January 30, 2023

January 30, 2023
Our work has a global impact! Read about new HIV research with communities in sub-Saharan Africa, a global health workshop on air quality in Africa, and an economic report on the impact of health and science misinformation in Canada.

UNC researchers review FemTech offerings: Which ones are backed by science?

January 30, 2022
FemTech refers to a variety of apps and devices that use technology to improve women's reproductive and sexual health. The sheer number of offerings inspired a team of UNC-affiliated researchers to review hundreds of FemTech companies and their associated clinical trials data.

The Abstract: January 9, 2023

January 9, 2023
Rosamond recognized by American Heart Association for mentorship, Martinez named to virology rising star program and Gillings researchers publish new study on impact of therapeutic diversion units in N.C. prisons.

Scholars present during the first annual Global Health Scholars Symposium

November 23, 2022
The First Annual Global Health Scholars Symposium took place on Nov. 11, sponsored by the Institute of Global Health & Infectious Diseases and the Gillings School. The symposium showcased over 30 investigators from UNC and global sites around the world, including doctoral students, doctoral candidates, postdoctoral fellows and junior faculty.

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