Gillings School research finds that gender-typical behavior does not predict sexual orientation

December 21, 2018
Drs. Nicole Kahn and Carolyn Halpern said their study is an important addition to the growing research on gender conformity and sexual orientation because it covers a broader sample over a longer period of time. Photo by Sammie Vasquez.

Top 25 hits in 2018: The year's most-read news stories

December 21, 2018
What news topics interested our readers in 2018? A look at our most-read articles suggests that our followers are interested, above all, in people’s stories and the good work they do.

Study identifies complex network of factors impeding health system reform in Iraqi Kurdistan

December 19, 2018
“This is an old, established system,” said co-author Dr. Dilshad Jaff. “To reform and change it requires a huge commitment, strong political will, courage – and time. It takes time to change behavior and mindset.”

Palmquist selected for junior faculty development award

December 17, 2018
Dr. Palmquist's $10K development award will be used to advance her research in 2019.

Richard Besser, MD, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation President and CEO, will speak at the Gillings School’s May commencement

December 10, 2018
"We are proud of our association with the UNC Gillings School and its work to make public health a top priority in America," Dr. Besser said.

Study shows prenatal education increases adherence to breastfeeding best practices

December 5, 2018
Carolina Global Breastfeeding Institute's Kathy Parry and Dr. Kristin Tully led the study, which was published in the journal Birth. Photo by Julie Johnson.

Alumna Frances Likis presented with distinguished service award

December 5, 2018
Dr. Frances Likis, 1996 maternal and child health alumna of the UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health, received Frontier Nursing University’s Distinguished Service to Society Award on Oct. 5.

Jaff responds to Pediatrics article on impact of armed conflict on children

December 4, 2018
In his commentary, Dr. Dilshad Jaff encouraged pediatricians and other professionals who have direct experience with the plight of children in conflict zones to add their voices to those of the authors and to hold accountable those who exploit children in war.

Carolina Global Breastfeeding Institute awarded $530K+ to help hospitals become ‘Baby-Friendly’

November 13, 2018
The Gillings School's Carolina Global Breastfeeding Institute was awarded more than a half-million dollars by Blue Cross and Blue Shield of N.C. to continue its work to promote safe breastfeeding and education services.

Parcesepe awarded NIMH training grant

November 10, 2018
Dr. Angela Parcesepe will use a $155,000 training grant from the National Institute of Mental Health to study the impact of substance use and mental disorders on HIV treatment outcomes in Cameroon.

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