UNC launches innovative web tool to combat prostate cancer disparities in NC

December 18, 2023
Prostate cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death for men in North Carolina. Researchers at the UNC School of Medicine and Carolina Demography are co-leading the effort to improve diagnostic and health outcomes for all North Carolinians with prostate cancer, including Black men and Native Americans, who are disproportionately affected.

Gillings School announces 6 GIL awards to study generative AI in public health

December 14, 2023
As part of the eighth round of Gillings Innovation Labs, six faculty members were awarded $100,000 each to pursue research using generative artificial intelligence (gAI) that focuses on solving real-world problems over the next two years.

December graduate helps Maui fire recovery

December 11, 2023
David Kim’s degree in health care administration and his military and work experience prepared him to respond.

Haynes-Maslow receives Humana Foundation grant to study meal-delivery program for seniors

December 8, 2023
The program also provides seniors with social-connectedness programs to address mental and physical health.

Can Medicaid be a solution to the problem of underinsurance?

December 7, 2023
Health policy and management researchers at the Gillings School have found some evidence that the ACA expansion of Medicaid eligibility may have led to fewer underinsured people nationwide.

Researchers receive $1.2 million grant to improve cancer screening tracking

December 4, 2023
The grant will fund research designed to facilitate more widespread cancer screening and early detection, culminating in reduced cancer mortality. Specifically, the researchers will use data from CIPHR to create new tools based on insurance claims that more efficiently measure and compare cancer screening use across small geographic areas and groups of people.

15 Gillings School experts named to Clarivate's 2023 Highly Cited Researchers List

November 15, 2023
Clarivate's Highly Cited Researchers have demonstrated significant and broad influence in their field(s) of research and have greatly extended the frontiers of knowledge to make the world healthier, more sustainable and more secure.

Dr. Kristin Reiter named chair of Gillings School’s Department of Health Policy and Management

November 7, 2023
Reiter came to Carolina in 2005 as an assistant professor of health policy and management. In 2017, she was named both a full professor and associate chair of the department.

16 Gillings School undergraduates inducted into Phi Beta Kappa

November 6, 2023
Past and present Phi Beta Kappa members from across the country have included 17 American presidents, 42 U.S. Supreme Court Justices, more than 150 Nobel Laureates and numerous artistic, intellectual and political leaders.

Covenant Scholar enjoying the ride

October 12, 2023
Through her health policy studies and skateboarding, Louise Hoff is finding community in Chapel Hill.

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