The Abstract: September 26, 2022

September 26, 2022
Lin leads new research into COVID-19 vaccine protections, Planey receives funding to study expansion of health systems, West talks climate change with the Weather Channel and Browne receives leadership award.

Specific sequence of drugs reduces cost of treating metastatic breast cancer while preserving quality of life

September 13, 2022
For some types of metastatic breast cancer, giving standard chemotherapy drugs in a specific sequence can reduce overall costs and improve the value of care while preserving quality of life.

The Abstract: August 29, 2022

August 29, 2022
Maman is named to the Academic Leadership Program fellowship, Helm-Murtagh publishes a new textbook, Bamogo joins the incoming cohort of Royster Society Fellows and Thomas is elected to the N.C Public Health Association executive committee.

Wiesman named associate dean for practice at UNC Gillings School

August 18, 2022
Dr. John Wiesman has been appointed associate dean for practice at the UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health. In this senior leadership role, he will provide guidance to achieve the school’s vision and goals for putting public health training into action.

For people with diabetes, food insecurity is linked with higher odds of missing work, being hospitalized

July 25, 2022
Three UNC-Chapel Hill researchers studied the associations between food insecurity, health-related missed workdays and overnight hospitalizations among working-age adults with Type 2 diabetes.

Urban hospitals see rising admissions from rural Medicare patients

July 15, 2022
Medicare patients may be bypassing rural hospitals altogether and traveling longer distances to seek care at urban hospitals, according to new research from Hannah Friedman and Dr. Mark Holmes.

NIOSH honors UNC OSHERC faculty for program assisting workers with pandemic safety

July 14, 2022
The NIOSH COVID-19 Intergovernmental Personnel Act program, which included work from Drs. Leena Nylander-French and John Staley, was recognized as a finalist for the Bullard-Sherwood Research to Practice (r2p) Award for outstanding applications of occupational safety and safety health research to practice.

Case study shares example of closing health care disparities through antiracist organizing

July 13, 2022
Imagine a world where racial disparities in health care could be virtually eliminated. Actually, there is no need to imagine — it has already happened at a health care center in Greensboro, North Carolina, for Black and white patients with breast and lung cancer.

Can we reverse the rise in maternal mortality?

June 14, 2022
Students from UNC-Chapel Hill and NC State University have joined forces to reverse rising maternal death rates in minorities. They’ve been invited to Oxford University in June to share their insights as part of a systems thinking competition among 44 top student teams from around the world.

Ndely-Ogundipe brings inclusive design to Presidential Innovation Fellows

June 1, 2022
Emilia Ndely-Ogundipe has been selected for the 2022 White House Presidential Innovation Fellows program. In this role, she will work with the U.S. Department of Labor to develop impactful products and services that center users.

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