Improved training, learning opportunities would help to meet UN’s ambitious water, sanitation, hygiene goals

January 14, 2019
New research from doctoral student Karen Setty and Dr. Jamie Bartram could benefit the WaSH community by engaging multiple parties to develop a set of common global research priorities. Photo by Shawn/Creative Commons.

Top 25 hits in 2018: The year's most-read news stories

December 21, 2018
What news topics interested our readers in 2018? A look at our most-read articles suggests that our followers are interested, above all, in people’s stories and the good work they do.

Study identifies complex network of factors impeding health system reform in Iraqi Kurdistan

December 19, 2018
“This is an old, established system,” said co-author Dr. Dilshad Jaff. “To reform and change it requires a huge commitment, strong political will, courage – and time. It takes time to change behavior and mindset.”

Charles Weiss, longtime faculty member, benefactor, cultural enthusiast, dies at 100

December 19, 2018
Weiss and his wife Shirley established the Weiss Urban Livability Fellowship, a graduate fellowship that provides funding and an interdisciplinary environment in which students can engage with issues related to urban living.

Households in Mexico decreased unhealthy drink purchases following tax, study finds

December 14, 2018
Households in Mexico that regularly purchased high quantities of sugar-sweetened beverages purchased significantly fewer of those beverages after a 2014 excise tax was implemented. Drs. Shu Wen Ng and Barry Popkin are study co-authors. Photo by Francesco Gallarotti.

Reflecting on 70 years of human rights in public health

December 10, 2018
Today, an annual global celebration recognizes Human Rights Day, commemorating the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948. UNC Gillings adjunct faculty member Dr. Benjamin Mason Meier discusses this anniversary in the context of human rights in public health.

Genetics may determine different clinical outcomes for individuals with atherosclerosis

December 7, 2018
New research suggests that the genetic origins of certain preclinical markers of atherosclerosis, such as accumulation of plaque, may play a role in which clinical outcomes individuals may experience as a result of the disease.

ESE and RTI researchers awarded IMPACT funding to collaborate on improving environmental health

December 5, 2018
More than a dozen Gillings School researchers will collaborate with others from RTI on three projects to improve environmental health in North Carolina and around the world.

Mark Sobsey honored at retirement symposium

December 4, 2018
A daylong event on Nov. 30 celebrated Dr. Mark Sobsey's more than 40-year career as an environmental scientist. One of the tributes announced at the event is the establishment of a professorship in his honor.

Jaff responds to Pediatrics article on impact of armed conflict on children

December 4, 2018
In his commentary, Dr. Dilshad Jaff encouraged pediatricians and other professionals who have direct experience with the plight of children in conflict zones to add their voices to those of the authors and to hold accountable those who exploit children in war.

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